Acta Neophilologica <p class="Textbody"><span lang="DE">W półroczniku <em>Acta Neophilologica</em>, ukazującym się od roku 1999, publikowane są recenzje i artykuły naukowe, poruszające aktualne problemy neofilologii: lingwistyki, literaturoznawstwa, dydaktyki języków obcych, teorii i praktyki przekładu, kultury słowa, języka mediów etc. w ujęciu diachronicznym i synchronicznym, kontrastywnym, porównawczym oraz kognitywnym. Obowiązującymi językami publikacji są język angielski, niemiecki, polski i rosyjski.</span> Czasopismu przypisano 40 punktów (komunikat Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 18 grudnia 2019 r.). <a href="">(więcej)</a></p> <p>Czasopismo <em>Acta Neophilologica</em> nie pobiera opłaty za publikację artykułów oraz oferuje darmowy dostęp do opublikowanych tekstów.</p> <p>Nabór tekstów do czasopisma przebiega w trybie ciągłym.</p> <p>Prace publikowane w czasopiśmie dostępne są na licencji Creative Commons: Uznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych (CC BY-NC-ND).</p> <p>Czasopismo powstało z inicjatywy slawisty prof. Alberta Bartoszewicza, który pełnił funkcję redaktora naczelnego do roku 2001. Obowiązki redaktora przejął rusycysta prof. Walenty M. Piłat, który kierował pismem do 2004 roku. Od 2005 do 2013 pismo prowadził prof. Grzegorz Ojcewicz, następnie prof. Iwona Anna NDiaye, a od 2014 do 2022 prof. Joanna Orzechowska. Od 2012 pismo jest półrocznikiem. Członkami redakcji byli Joanna Orzechowska, Joanna Nawacka, Iwona Anna NDiaye. Od roku 2023 czasopismem kieruje nowy zespół redakcyjny (zob. Zespół redakcyjny), który kontynuuje tradycje wydawnicze. Redaktorem naczelnym jest obecnie germanistka i literaturoznawczyni dr hab. Aneta Jachimowicz, prof. UWM.</p> <p> <strong><img src="" alt="Licencja CC" width="88" height="31" /> <img src="" alt="Ikona OA" width="105" height="40" /></strong></p> Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie pl-PL Acta Neophilologica 1509-1619 Literarisches Transferieren – Überlegungen zu einem Modus in Theorie und Praxis <p>The article highlights the growing significance of transfer and the Third Mission in German universities, especially in literary studies. It argues that literary disciplines have been slow to define their approach to transfer, likely due to resource limitations or resistance to change. To address this, the article proposes “Literary Transferring” as a creative, philological method for integrating transfer concepts into literary studies, emphasizing the need for theoretical engagement to inform empirical practice and foster collaboration between authors, literary institutions and researchers.</p> Ina Schenker Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 26 2 7 21 10.31648/an.10120 Bemerkungen zu Stefan Georges "Der Stern des Bundes" und einigen Übertragungen ins Polnische <p>The German poet Stefan George (1868–1933), a well-known anti-liberal figure and champion of <em>kulturkritik</em> in the Hohenzollern Empire and Weimar Germany but nevertheless a considerably talented entrepreneur and marketing expert, is known for his ‘difficult’, enigmatic style. After some introductory remarks on George and his art, this paper examines selected translations of poems from “The Star of the Covenant” (1914), one of George’s most controversial works.</p> Karsten Dahlmanns Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 26 2 23 37 10.31648/an.10613 Co Eliza Orzeszkowa pisała o małżeństwie w "Pamiętniku Wacławy. Ze wspomnień młodej panny" i "Marcie" <p>This article focuses on the analysis of the issue of marriage amongst the landed gentry in nineteenth-century Poland as depicted in two novels by Eliza Orzeszkowa: "Pamiętnik Wacławy. Ze wspomnień młodej panny" (Wacława’s Memoirs: From the Memories of a Young Lady) and "Marta". The article examines how the images of marriage presented by the author show young women’s dependence on the will of the family and the decisions of their intended husbands. The analysis of these two novels aims to outline the traditional models of marriage prevailing at that time and to show what challenges and difficulties the heroines must go through in their lives. The images of marriage presented in the novels allow us to explore the complexity of the relationships between partners and to understand their social, cultural and psychological context. The article analyses the social context of such marriages, which often served to maintain the social and economic position of the relative families, as well as their impact on the lives of individuals, especially women, who were often deprived of independence and subordinated to men. The analysis of these topics allows for a better understanding of the socio-cultural realities of the period and reflection on the evolution of the institution of marriage and its role in the history of Polish society.</p> Maria Zielonka Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 26 2 39 54 10.31648/an.10271 Wizerunek Świętej Barbary w niemieckich tekstach literackich na Górnym Śląsku: rekonesans <p>This article attempts to analyze the image of Saint Barbara in Upper Silesia and is based on various German-language texts by authors connected with Upper Silesia. The analysis of the source texts, based primarily on the semantic method and additionally on folklore research, reveals different perspectives on the depiction of Saint Barbara. She not only fulfils the function of a protector of miners, but also takes on an individualized character, becoming a symbol of hope, perseverance and safety in the difficult conditions of working underground. Saint Barbara has both religious and symbolic significance, especially for the mining community, in the context of the centuries-long history of mining, a key area of the region's economy. Her cult is still alive and forms an important part of the cultural heritage of Upper Silesia.</p> Marcin Szymczyński Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 26 2 55 72 10.31648/an.10344 Wisława Szymborska we Włoszech. Studium przypadku literackiego sukcesu <p>The article analyzes the phenomenon of Wisława Szymborska's literary success in Italy, with a particular focus on the reasons behind her extraordinary popularity in the country. Despite her initial limited recognition, the poet gained the status of the most widely read in Italy, surpassing even local authors. The paper illustrates how Pietro Marchesani's translations, the support of Italian Polish studies scholars, and Szymborska's unique poetic style contributed to the immense interest in her work. The article discusses examples of Szymborska's poetry permeating Italian popular culture, media, and public spaces, creating a large-scale literary and sociological phenomenon, as well as.</p> Agnieszka Światłowska Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 26 2 74 84 10.31648/an.10557 Nauka i filozofia w bajkach George Sand na przykładzie tekstów wybranych z tomiku bajek "Mówiący dąb. Opowiadania babuni" <p>The purpose of this article is to show how multifaceted the fairy tales of George Sand are in terms of scientific and literary testimony. In addition, it demonstrates how the multifaceted nature of the prose makes it possible to put a different complexion on than previously: as a fabulist, rather than a heroine of 19th century scandals. By examining previous studies and relying on my own research. I present the interdisciplinary nature of the texts and the scientific theories and philosophical elements hidden in them, such as evolutionism, catastrophism, saintsimonism, socialism and reincarnation. By contextualizing and exploring autobiographical themes, the novelty and pioneering nature of Sand's fairy tales is confirmed. Additionally, an important aspect here is the audience to whom the writer addresses her texts.</p> Piotr Kaczka Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 26 2 86 103 10.31648/an.10461 Poza kategoriami – na przecięciu teorii feministycznych i queerowych <p>Queer theory assumes that identity cannot be crystallized, which may seem contradictory to feminism, rooted in a distinction between cultural and biological sex and centered on women's identity. The aim of the article is to outline the network of connections between both concepts, paying particular attention to the issue of the feminist subject. A review of the mentioned theories may become the basis for reflection on the benefits of combining feminist and queer perspectives in literary studies. Considering the category of femininity in queer research allows for filling the gaps created by the marginalization of non-heteronormative heroines and writers.</p> Karolina Lewińska Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 26 2 107 118 10.31648/an.10519 "Na dnie" Maksyma Gorkiego w interpretacji polskiego teatru (na przykładzie wybranych spektakli) <p>The subject of this sketch is a reflection on two productions of Gorky’s <em>The Lower Depths</em> by Leon Schiller and Krystian Lupa. The starting point for the analysis is the remarks situating Gorky's drama within the circle of philosophical problems. In this understanding, it becomes a story about the strength and power of man, as well as the conflict between truth and lies. Despite the stereotypes regarding the perception of this drama, thanks to the successful techniques and gimmicks used by both directors, the performances created by them became the apotheosis of man. They also responded to the need of their times – the power of creation of the post-war time and the power of the dream of the present. In both cases, they managed to see and show the universal values encoded in the text, resulting in multidimensional performances that interpret Gorky's text in a universal and timeless way.</p> Jadwiga Gracla Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 26 2 120 127 10.31648/an.10684 Utwory uwięzione? O historycznym i prawnym kontekście wydań polskich przekładów "W poszukiwaniu straconego czasu" i "Jana Santeuila" M. Prousta <p>This article examines the historical and legal contexts behind the publication of Polish translations of Marcel Proust’s <em>In Search of Lost Time</em> and <em>Jean Santeuil</em>. It explores how state policies and copyright laws in post-war Poland restricted access to foreign literature, including Proust's works, which were considered ideologically incompatible with the socialist regime. The concept of „restricted works” is introduced to describe culturally significant texts limited by legal and political factors.</p> Anna Jarmuszkiewicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 26 2 129 144 10.31648/an.10615 Znaczenie nauczania ortografii i interpunkcji w budowaniu kompetencji językowej studentów neofilologii (na przykładzie języka rosyjskiego) <p>Knowledge of foreign languages plays an important role in the competence structure of a university graduate. Equipping students and graduates with effective communicative competences is the basis for the development of social cooperation skills which allow them to understand and interpret cultural, social, economic and political phenomena and processes. The article is an attempt to discuss the place of spelling and punctuation in the process of teaching and learning communication in a foreign language. The placement of these issues accounts for their importance in the process of teaching and learning Russian as well as confirming the need for their presence in the teaching process from the very beginning. The research material consists of syllabuses of the course <em>Practical Russian Language Teaching</em> implemented in the first year of undergraduate studies in Russian philology. The subject of the analysis will be spelling and punctuation issues as elements of integrated Russian language teaching in higher education.</p> Joanna Nawacka Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 26 2 147 169 10.31648/an.10102 Communication of Difficult Emotions and Mental States in the Animated Series "Steven Universe" <p>The aim of this paper is to examine the use of conceptual metaphor in the animated series <em>Steven</em> <em>Universe</em>. We aim to show that the series addresses sensitive issues such as personality disorders, abusive relationships, and the effects of past trauma through the use of conceptual metaphors, both verbal and visual. We believe that conceptual metaphors can help reframe difficult emotional and mental states, which has been recognized in therapy and counselling. We also compare the metaphors identified in therapeutic discourse with those found in the series.</p> Anna Maria Drogosz Aleksandra Wojtunik Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 26 2 172 188 10.31648/an.9942 A Thousand and One Names of Polish Translation Enterprises in the Lower Silesia Region. Exploring the Polish REGON database <p>This article examines the formal characteristics and names of translation enterprises operating in the Lower Silesia region in 2022. The data on the enterprises were drawn from the Polish official register of economic entities, i.e. REGON database. The conceptual framework is built on three fields: (1) developments in the field of translation &amp; interpreting studies (T&amp;IS); (2) linguistic studies in onomastics on chrematonyms/ergonyms; (3) economic and legal conditions of running businesses in Poland. The results obtained in this study offer comprehensive insights into the economic situation of Polish translation enterprises and suggest main criteria for the future sample selection: in terms of their legal and economic strength, and in terms of translational profile consistency expressed through the lexicon used in the identifying segments of their names in order to designate their core business.</p> Anna Kuźnik Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 26 2 189 216 10.31648/an.10579 Derkowska, Aneta (2023), Operowe laboratorium. Hybrydy gatunkowe w polskiej twórczości operowej drugiej połowy XX wieku Małgorzata Kosacka Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 26 2 219 223 10.31648/an.10319 Brommer, Sarah/ Dürscheid, Christa (Hrsg.) (2021), Mensch. Maschine. Kommunikation. Beiträge zur Medienlinguistik Katarzyna Sierak Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica 2024-12-27 2024-12-27 26 2 225 230 10.31648/an.10762