Acta Neophilologica <p class="Textbody"><span lang="DE">W półroczniku <em>Acta Neophilologica</em>, ukazującym się od roku 1999, publikowane są recenzje i artykuły naukowe, poruszające aktualne problemy neofilologii: lingwistyki, literaturoznawstwa, dydaktyki języków obcych, teorii i praktyki przekładu, kultury słowa, języka mediów etc. w ujęciu diachronicznym i synchronicznym, kontrastywnym, porównawczym oraz kognitywnym. Obowiązującymi językami publikacji są język angielski, niemiecki, polski i rosyjski.</span> Czasopismu przypisano 40 punktów (komunikat Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 18 grudnia 2019 r.). <a href="">(więcej)</a></p> <p>Czasopismo <em>Acta Neophilologica</em> nie pobiera opłaty za publikację artykułów oraz oferuje darmowy dostęp do opublikowanych tekstów.</p> <p>Nabór tekstów do czasopisma przebiega w trybie ciągłym.</p> <p>Prace publikowane w czasopiśmie dostępne są na licencji Creative Commons: Uznanie autorstwa-Użycie niekomercyjne-Bez utworów zależnych (CC BY-NC-ND).</p> <p>Czasopismo powstało z inicjatywy slawisty prof. Alberta Bartoszewicza, który pełnił funkcję redaktora naczelnego do roku 2001. Obowiązki redaktora przejął rusycysta prof. Walenty M. Piłat, który kierował pismem do 2004 roku. Od 2005 do 2013 pismo prowadził prof. Grzegorz Ojcewicz, następnie prof. Iwona Anna NDiaye, a od 2014 do 2022 prof. Joanna Orzechowska. Od 2012 pismo jest półrocznikiem. Członkami redakcji byli Joanna Orzechowska, Joanna Nawacka, Iwona Anna NDiaye. Od roku 2023 czasopismem kieruje nowy zespół redakcyjny (zob. Zespół redakcyjny), który kontynuuje tradycje wydawnicze. Redaktorem naczelnym jest obecnie germanistka i literaturoznawczyni dr hab. Aneta Jachimowicz, prof. UWM.</p> <p> <strong><img src="" alt="Licencja CC" width="88" height="31" /> <img src="" alt="Ikona OA" width="105" height="40" /></strong></p> pl-PL (prof. ucz. dr hab. Aneta Jachimowicz) (Libcom) Wed, 21 Aug 2024 09:58:05 +0000 OJS 60 Anglicyzmy z zakresu ekologii w polskiej i rosyjskiej prasie typu life style <p>This article deals with the neologisms of Anglo-American provenance which refer semantically to ecology. The source of the excerpted factual material is Polish and Russian-language glossy lifestyle magazines. The presence of “ecological anglicisms” in the discourse analyzed testifies to the pragmatic need to unify the communication of different nations in the field of global environmental protection, and may be due, among other factors, to psychological reasons, such as the fashion of using English, or the need to promote the ideological solidarity of societies towards “Mother Nature”. The aim of the analysis is to determine the specificities of the collected units in terms of their conceptual domains and other formal characteristics. The examination of the material shows that some characteristics are visible in it, e.g. the dominance of units with meliorative colors, the high prevalence of “ecological anglicisms” in the form of citations, the internationality of loanwords, etc.</p> Anna Romanik Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Covid-19 und Konfliktmetaphorik – Eine korpusbasierte Studie <p>The new disease Covid-19, which emerged in 2019, seriously affected all areas of human life and left a clear mark on languages. A recognizable feature of the public discourse on the disease is its metaphorical conceptualization, which occurs in various ways. Against the background of the theory of conceptual metaphors and the discussion on ways of conceptualizing Covid-19 in related literature, this article presents the metaphorical capture of Covid-19 using the conflict metaphor, which includes the metaphors of war and battle.</p> Marcelina Kałasznik, Przemysław Staniewski Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 „Z bajką w walizce. O roli bajki w edukacji międzykulturowej” jako przykład realizacji metody projektów w kształtowaniu kompetencji interkulturowej przyszłych filologów <p>This article concerns the project method - an open form of teaching work, and its role in shaping intercultural competence among students of philological studies. This issue was discussed through the example of the project “With a fairy tale in a suitcase. On the role of fairy tales in intercultural education”, which was carried out by students of Russian philology at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn in the academic year 2023/2024. The author of the publication, and at the same time the coordinator of the project, presents the assumptions of intercultural education used in it and the ways of implementing them to achieve the goal of developing intercultural competence among its participants.</p> Joanna Olechno-Wasiluk Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 „Angażująca nauka na studiach filologicznych” w opiniach nauczycieli akademickich (wyniki badania fokusowego) <p>The purpose of this study is to present academic teachers’ understanding of activities involving students in the teaching process in philology studies. The authors of the study conducted qualitative research collecting data through focus group interviews. This article discusses 11 codes assigned to the category “Engaging Learning at the University.” The results of this study showed that the understanding of engaging learning in philology studies corresponds to the latest trends in contemporary higher education. It was also found that the elements identified by teachers classified as “engaging learning” are more often instrumental and less frequently conscious and do not take into account the concept of transformative learning.</p> Marzanna Karolczuk, Anna Sańczyk-Cruz, Edyta Wajda Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 O idiolekcie tłumacza dialogisty w filmie animowanym – badania wstępne <p style="font-weight: 400;">Undertaking a scholarly reflection on the idiolect of the dialogist translator is the result of the anthropocentric nature of translation studies and the increasing number of American-produced dubbed animated films. The aim of the paper is a review of current research dedicated to the idiolect in media and linguistic studies. This study aims to answer the question of how to conduct the research about the idiolect of the author of dialogues in English animated films.</p> Karolina Wakulik Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 „To, co niewidoczne, chce się czasami pokazać”. O doświadczaniu przestrzeni w „Jeśli przecięto cię na pół” Łukasza Barysa <p>The article is devoted to spatial experience in Łukasz Barys’ novel <em>Jeśli przecięto cię na pół</em> [<em>If You Were Cut in Half</em>]. Since complex interactions with space constitute a vital aspect of the identity formation of Marcel, the novel’s protagonist and narrator, the ways in which he perceives and describes his surroundings are carefully examined. Thus, particular emotive and sensual topographies are mapped and the liminal as well as heterotopic qualities of space are discussed. Furthermore, Jacques Derrida’s idea of hauntology is employed to interpret the process of addressing the forgotten or repressed elements of history. The analysed spaces are divided into three categories, namely the space of exclusion, the space of repression and the space of transgression.</p> Dominika Kotuła Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Motif of Persephone in Sarah J. Mass’ "A Court of Thorns and Roses" Series <p>The Myth of Demeter and Kore is universally known. Over the years, various authors used the myth in their own retellings of the story. In these new versions the myth either possesses the same or similar message as the original myth, or offers a completely separate interpretation that would fit the modern world more. One of said versions is the book series A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas. The goal of this paper is to prove the universal nature of the myth, but also to demonstrate how the story of Persephone is depicted in fantasy in Mass’ series of novels. To do so, the most important aspects of the Myth of Demeter and Kore will be presented. Then the paper will touch upon certain interpretations of the myth and its characters. Finally, the main characters from the book series A Court of Thorns and Roses will be examined and compared to the figures of Kore, Persephone, Demeter, and Hades.</p> Sylwia Hałub Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Drama of Language Learning: Using English Literature with a Polish Teenage Youth Theatre <p>The positive effects of using drama in ELT have long been recognized, however this has often been explored from the context of the classroom. The article retroactively examines the activities of an English language youth theatre club for Polish teenagers as a social event organized in addition to their academic studies of the language. Special attention is paid to the use of classic texts (albeit adapted) by authors such as Shakespeare, and particularly the World War One poetry of Wilfred Owen. The article examines the techniques of using and performing the texts, the importance of gesture and intonation, as well as the necessity to explore cultural and historical aspects of the material. The students’ opinions of the work and the effect on their language learning were submitted in a questionnaire and are presented towards the end of the article.</p> Trevor Hill Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Tematyka kopernikowska w polskiej poezji humorystycznej <p>Biographical details pertaining to Nicolaus Copernicus and ideas formulated by him have rarely been presented in a humorous way in Polish poetry. The earliest works are related to the non-recognition of the heliocentric theory. In the 19th and 20th centuries, authors of epigrams, satires and other humorous poems employed Copernican motifs as pretexts for presenting and ridiculing moral phenomena and human vices. These humorous works were critical of the dispute over Copernicus’s nationality and the instrumental treatment of the brilliant astronomer.</p> Zbigniew Chojnowski Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Fixiert auf die Vergangenheit – die Literaten der Ersten Republik Österreich und Österreich-Ungarn <p>The Austrian republic of 1918 was not accepted emotionally by a majority of its citizens; A. Pelinka has analyzed this indifference of Austria’s intellectuals to the new state. Many writers looked backwards and continued to love Austria-Hungary in her old borders, without necessarily hoping for the return of the dynasty. Hofmannsthal, Schnitzler, Zweig, Csokor, Wildgans are major authors who more or less sentimentally remembered the Habsburg state and were not really interested in the new form of the Austria. Even "Juarez und Maximilian" by Franz Werfel idealized the Habsburg prince, although it had to be a republican play by the force of the historical facts it is based on. Only Karl Kraus was an enthusiast of the republic from 1918 to its end. In the late 20ies, Jura Soyfer was a decidedly republican writer.</p> Sigurd Paul Scheichl Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Mystery, Thriller, Hybrid? "The Riddle of the Sands" by Erskine Childers in a Transmedial Narratological Perspective <p>This narratological study of Erskine Childersʼs <em>The Riddle of the Sands</em> aims to determine whether that early 20th-century crime novel is actually a mystery work, a thriller, or a hybrid. For the purposes of evaluating its generic intricacies and affiliation, a simple yet comprehensive transmedial taxonomy of crime works, directly inspired by Charles Derryʼs film-restricted one, will be proposed. In the course of the analysis, generic links to non-crime genres will also be taken into account. The article expands upon some practical considerations discussed in its authorʼs doctoral thesis.</p> Michał Urbanowicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Do czego porównać noc lipcową? Na tropie tropów w przekładzie prozy Brunona Schulza na język hiszpański <p>Celem niniejszego artykułu jest porównanie dwóch literackich przekładów opowiadania Brunona Schulza pod tytułem "Noc lipcowa" na język hiszpański. Studium poświęcone jest zabiegom stylistycznym typowym dla prozy tego autora, tj. metaforom, porównaniom i powtórzeniom, i ma zweryfikować, jakie techniki tłumaczeniowe wg klasyfikacji Hurtado Albir (2011) są najczęściej stosowane. Równocześnie analiza stara się ocenić, czy doszło do strat stylistycznych lub semantycznych w wyniku użycia danej techniki bądź ze względu na różnice systemowe pomiędzy językiem polskim a hiszpańskim.</p> Barbara Galant Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 "Das Zittern vor Begierde nach dem Zusammenhang". Über Franz Grillparzers "Der arme Spielmann" und das Gedicht "Als sie, zuhörend, am Klaviere saß" <p>The aim of the essay is to bring Grillparzer’s poetry back into academic discussion. Poetological remarks by the author, praxaeological questions and genre-theoretical considerations are brought together in a close reading. It is necessary to examine whether a fundamentally biographically motivated misunderstanding worked to the disadvantage of Grillparzer’s poetry, which has pushed the visibility of social and political relationships in Grillparzer’s oeuvre into the background to this day. In order to provide a counterpoint to this traditional image, an analysis of the poem <em>Als sie, zuhörend, am Klaviere saß</em> (1821) will be used to point out Grillparzer’s sensitivity to the success of interpersonal communication. Excerpts from the <em>Selbstbiographie</em> (1849) and <em>Der arme Spielmann</em> (1848) contextualize the lyrical text. By means of a poetological reading focused on music and poetry, a connection is to be shown that claims programmatic validity for Grillparzer’s understanding of poetry and prose: The so-called ‘struggle for coherence’ / ‘das Ringen um den Zusammenhang’.</p> Kira Kaufmann Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Urzędowska, Aleksandra (2023), "Facewords. O tendencjach słowotwórczych w mediach społecznościowych" Katarzyna Skrzypczak Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Acta Neophilologica Wed, 21 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000