Civitas et Lex <p><span style="color: #000000;">„Civitas et Lex” to międzynarodowe recenzowane czasopismo o dostępie otwartym. Powstało jako kwartalnik w 2014 r. i wydawane jest przez Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, pod auspicjami programu NATO DEEP i we współpracy z międzynarodowym zespołem badawczym CEDICLO. W 2021 r. zostało włączone do czasopism naukowych ANVUR (Italia).<br /></span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000;">Czasopismo „Civitas et Lex” powstało w celu publikowania artykułów i tekstów naukowych, wymiany myśli i doświadczeń, inicjowania dyskusji nt. bieżących problemów społecznych, wspierania młodych naukowców. </span></p> Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie pl-PL Civitas et Lex 2392-0300 <div class="entry clearfix"> <div class="entry clearfix"> <div class="page"> <p><span style="color: #000000;">Wszystkie artykuły opublikowane w <em>Civitas et Lex</em> są dostępne online w trybie otwartego dostępu (Open Access) i można je pobrać bezpłatnie na podstawie następującej licencji</span>&nbsp;<u><a href=""><span style="color: #800000;">Creative Commons&nbsp;CC BY-NC-ND&nbsp;(Attribution – Non-Commercial – No Derivative Works) 4.0</span></a></u><span style="color: #800000;">.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div> Rozwój instytucji stanów nadzwyczajnych w okresie II Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej i ich wpływ na bezpieczeństwo państwa - wybrane aspekty <p>The legal system of each country should provide for specific regulations in the event of a threat to the functioning, and even more so, the existence of the state. These situations are states of emergency. Responsibilities relating to the security of the state and its citizens rest primarily with state administration bodies. Legal provisions should be constructed in such a way that in emergency cases there are no doubts as to the scope of liability of each of them. A state of emergency can only be introduced when ordinary constitutional measures are insufficient. The purpose of this article is to present and discuss the development of the institution of states of emergency in reborn Poland based on the March Constitution of March 17, 1921 and the April Constitution of April 23, 1935, as well as other legal acts issued in the period in question and having a significant impact on impact on the security of the Polish state. In the period in question, the application of specific legal regulations was justified by the current internal or external situation of the country. The article uses dogmatic-legal and historical-legal methods.</p> Konrad Żurek Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Civitas et Lex 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 42 2 43 56 10.31648/cetl.9765 Model wzmocnionego i rozszerzonego horyzontalnego oddziaływania praw konstytucyjnych jako źródło ochrony praw człowieka <p>The horizontal effect is still a novelty in the science of law, especially constitutional law. However, it is currently an important element of discussion in the scientific discourse and is an important element of the considerations of the Constitutional Tribunal, the Supreme Court and common courts. However, it is worth remembering that the so-called The „horizontal effect” has certain variations, so the purpose of this article is to discuss the so-called enhanced horizontal effect.</p> Marcin Maria Maminski Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Civitas et Lex 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 42 2 31 40 10.31648/cetl.9150 Kościoły i parafie diecezji ełckiej (cz. 16) <p>The article presents the church centers in Olecko (Holy Family), Olecko – Lesk (Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary), Olszewo Węgorzewskie (Exaltation of the Holy Cross), Orłowo (Saint Kazimierz) and Orzysz (Our Lady of the Scapular).</p> Wojciech Guzewicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Civitas et Lex 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 42 2 7 17 10.31648/cetl.9394 Inteligencja emocjonalna młodych mężczyzn o wyższym i niższym poziomie dojrzałości psychicznej do małżeństwa <p>The aim of the paper was to determine whether the mental maturity for marriage of young men is related to emotional intelligence? In this article, mental maturity for marriage is understood as the sum of three significant elements that build long-term interpersonal relationships: 1) self acceptance; 2) internal integration; 3) approach to marriage and family life. During research there took a part 90 men. The obtained results showed that young men with a higher level of psychological maturity for marriage are characterized by much greater emotional intelligence than men with a lower level of psychological maturity for marriage. This is manifested, among other things, in better abilities to use experienced emotions when solving problems encountered in life.</p> Andrzej Dakowicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Civitas et Lex 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 42 2 57 69 10.31648/cetl.9945 Późna dorosłość jako motyw przekazów reklamowych w kontekście psychologii pozytywnej <p>The increased scientific interest in late adulthood, as well as in intergenerational relations of the elderly, finds particular justification in the current demographic situation in Europe and Poland. The subject of the study is old age functioning as a motif of advertising messages. The reflections concern the psychological-positive alternative to the phenomenon of generating a stereotype of the elderly in advertising. The stereotyping of the advertising image of people at the existential stage of late adulthood poses a danger of increasing ageism in the media space and in colloquial social consciousness. The postulated form of counteracting ageism is education in the aspect of developmental changes in late adulthood (including through the dissemination of reliable knowledge about the aging process in social communication), taking into account the current state of research on the intergenerational potential of older people, i.e. wisdom, quality of life.</p> Arkadiusz Dudziak Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Civitas et Lex 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 42 2 19 30 10.31648/cetl.9835 Wybrane konteksty badań nad przemianami agrarnymi w Wielkopolsce i w Prusach Zachodnich w XIX wieku <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Stanislaw Borowiak's book presents an interesting approach to the study of the history of agrarian reform in the Kingdom of Prussia in the 19th century. Its author analyzes the relationship between the peasants of Greater Prussia and the landowners, taking into account, among other factors, changes in wages or working conditions of peasants. On the other hand, the author of this article comments the methodology adopted by Stanislaw Borowiak, compares it with the current historiography trends present in the study of the history of the Prussian partition, and proposes new approaches to the issues discussed in the future. He also draws attention to significant differences in the study of the history of 19th-century Greater Poland and West Prussia.</span></p> Franciszek Ignacy Fortuna Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Civitas et Lex 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 42 2 85 93 10.31648/cetl.9631 „Civitas et Lex” (2014-2023). Powstanie i rozwój – organy zarządzające i współpracujące – charakterystyka zawartości <p>The magazine "Civitas et Lex" (p-ISSN 2392-0300; e-ISSN 2449-5522) was established as a quarterly in 2014. It is published by the Publishing House of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn under the auspices of the NATO DEEP program and in cooperation with an international research team CEDICLO. During the ten years of publication of "Civitas et Lex", a total of 40 issues of the journal were published (4 issues each year) and 346 texts in five sections (From the Editor – 51; Scientific articles – 241, Glosses – 8, Reports – 6, Reviews – 40).</p> Wojciech Guzewicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Civitas et Lex 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 42 2 71 83 10.31648/cetl.9861