Civitas et Lex <p><span style="color: #000000;">„Civitas et Lex” to międzynarodowe recenzowane czasopismo o dostępie otwartym. Powstało jako kwartalnik w 2014 r. i wydawane jest przez Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie, pod auspicjami programu NATO DEEP i we współpracy z międzynarodowym zespołem badawczym CEDICLO. W 2021 r. zostało włączone do czasopism naukowych ANVUR (Italia).<br /></span></p> <p><span style="color: #000000;">Czasopismo „Civitas et Lex” powstało w celu publikowania artykułów i tekstów naukowych, wymiany myśli i doświadczeń, inicjowania dyskusji nt. bieżących problemów społecznych, wspierania młodych naukowców. </span></p> Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie pl-PL Civitas et Lex 2392-0300 <div class="entry clearfix"> <div class="entry clearfix"> <div class="page"> <p><span style="color: #000000;">Wszystkie artykuły opublikowane w <em>Civitas et Lex</em> są dostępne online w trybie otwartego dostępu (Open Access) i można je pobrać bezpłatnie na podstawie następującej licencji</span>&nbsp;<u><a href=""><span style="color: #800000;">Creative Commons&nbsp;CC BY-NC-ND&nbsp;(Attribution – Non-Commercial – No Derivative Works) 4.0</span></a></u><span style="color: #800000;">.</span></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> </div> </div> </div> Kościoły i parafie diecezji ełckiej (cz. 18) <p>The article presents the church centers in Pisz (Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Sacred Heart of Jesus), Pozezdrze (Saint Stanisław Kostka), Prawdziska (Saint Andrew the Apostle) and Prostki (Saint Anthony of Padua).</p> Wojciech Guzewicz Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Civitas et Lex 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 44 4 7 18 10.31648/cetl.9396 La musica tra puritanesimo e trascendentalismo – Amy Marcy Beach – La forza del talento (parte I) <p>The article focuses on the figure of Amy Marcy Beach, a talented and emancipated artist who, thanks to her determination and the strength of her musical productions, managed to overcome the mistrust and prejudices that permeated the musical world of puritan and conservative America of the late nineteenth century, regarding the possibility for a woman to approach composition.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> Rosaria Anna Achille Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Civitas et Lex 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 44 4 45 54 10.31648/cetl.10675 Wezezen, Wiżeny, Wizuny…, czyli rzecz o pochodzeniu nazwy Wiżajny <p>The article focuses on explaining the origin of the name Wiżajny. The origin of the name Wiżajny is not clear. To this day, there are ongoing discussions among academics, but not only, on the etymology, origin or first use of this word. The earliest mention of Wiżajny most likely comes from the Middle Ages, from a Teutonic document describing a road leading from Insterburg Castle towards Lake Wisztynieckie and Lake Wiżajny (the name: Wezezen appears then). Other names can be found in sources from 1549 (Wiżeny) and 1606 (Wizuny). In turn, the Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland and other Slavic countries already gives the name Wiżajny. Although the origin of the name Wiżajny is not entirely certain, the fact that these lands were inhabited by Yotvingian tribes is no longer in doubt. The historical past of the peoples of the Wiżajny land is a reason for the justified pride of the inhabitants of their small homeland. Let this cultural heritage unite the local community, strengthen and build the identity of the place where you live.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> Wojciech Guzewicz Leszek Moszczyński Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Civitas et Lex 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 44 4 55 62 10.31648/cetl.10647 Gruntowna edukacja a perspektywa uczestnictwa w życiu publicznym w ocenie Ojców Kapadockich <p>A thorough education of the young was highly valued by parents, who saw it as a foundation for their sons’ success in public life in ancient Rome, both in the Republican and Imperial periods. Every young Roman, through physical training, moral and intellectual education, was prepared from childhood to hold office in both the army and the imperial administration. In the 4th century AD, when the Cappadocian Fathers lived and worked, both in the East and in the West of the Empire there was always a need for people well-prepared for public service, who formed the backbone of the civil and military administration. In home education, not only was the art of reading and writing taught, but – especially in the case of boys – their physical development and skills useful in a future military career were taken care of. Parents were primarily responsible for such education, although the skills of slaves, grandparents from both sides and older siblings were often used, who supported the parents in their educational activities. The next two stages of education were first in public schools at primary and secondary levels, and then able young men were sent to the main schools run by recognized teachers, where they completed their education useful for taking up duties in the public life of the Empire. For young Christians who did not have a well-ordered educational system, the only possibility of obtaining a thorough education was to use the system that had been functioning for centuries in ancient Rome. The Cappadocian Fathers, obedient to the will of their parents, acquired a thorough education by attending lectures by famous representatives of the so-called Second Sophistic with the intention of engaging in the public life of the Empire. However, in a short time, their lives changed and they used their knowledge and skills in the service of the Church, combating heterodox teaching and strengthening the faithful in their fidelity to orthodoxy. They recommended that young people acquire a thorough education, in which they should avoid mythological content that was the content of readings recommended by teachers in public schools. That which ennobled the spirit and supported a virtuous life should be accepted, but everything that was immoral and incompatible with the teachings of Christ should be rejected. The Cappadocian Fathers did not oppose young people studying secular sciences and engaging in public life, but concern for preserving the faith in Christ had to be in the first place.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span></p> Stanisław Strękowski Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Civitas et Lex 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 44 4 63 84 10.31648/cetl.10763 Myśl Karola Marksa w interpretacji Włodzimierza Lenina jako czynnik motywujący antyreligijne ustawodawstwo sowieckie po Rewolucji Październikowej <p>The thought of Karl Marx and Vladimir Lenin were legal and social in the socialist states. In the text, the author discusses the assumptions propagated by the said authors, focusing on the understanding of the relationship between state and religion and religious freedom. The proponent of state atheism in the post-revolutionary reality was Karl Marx. Seizing power in Russia, after 1918 the Bolsheviks decided to incorporate Marxian thought into the legislation of the still-forming Soviet state. In the article, the author emphasizes the considerable degree to which the founders of the Soviet state were inspired by the thought of Karl Marx and, on the basis of this ideological background, presents the legal as well as actual actions that led to the creation of an atheist state and a state that fought against all manifestations of state religiosity.</p> Kacper Cieślik Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 44 4 29 43 10.31648/cetl.10934 Rola AI w militaryzacji kosmosu <p><strong>Abstract</strong>:<br>AI is a crucial technology in the space and military industries due to its precision and ability to learn rapidly, enabling higher efficiency compared to traditional warfare. However, its application in constructing space warfare systems has sparked controversy, particularly concerning the regulatory framework and the high risk of errors, which could lead to significant international liability. The increasing militarization of space raises ethical and legal concerns about the use of AI as a foundational technology for space warfare, potentially violating the principles of peaceful and open space use as outlined in the Outer Space Treaty of 1967. To address these issues, an analysis of AI's use in space warfare was conducted. Traditional legal reasoning, linguistic interpretation, and comparative methods were employed to reconstruct the norms governing the permissible use of AI technology, with a focus on diplomatic documents and UN-issued regulations.</p> Anastazja Drapata Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 2024-12-18 2024-12-18 44 4 19 27 10.31648/cetl.10933