Fontes Slaviae Orthodoxae 2021-06-03T16:51:33+00:00 Helena Pociechina Open Journal Systems <p>Rocznik Fontes Slaviae Orthodoxae jest wydawany od 2017 roku zamiast serii monografii naukowych pod tym samym tytułem. Теmatyka czasopisma obejmuje szerokie koło zagadnień związanych z historią i kulturą chrześcijaństwa wschodniego w krajach słowiańskich, w tym kontaktów prawosławia z innymi konfesjami i religiami; historii i stanu współczesnego języka cerkiewnosłowiańskiego; poetyki i stylistyki utworów hymnograficznych i tekstów religijnych, osobliwości dyskursu religijnego etc. <a href="">(więcej)</a></p> Некоторые наблюдения над значениями церковнославянских сложных слов с компонентами ВСЕ- И МНОГО- 2021-06-03T16:51:24+00:00 Nadezhda Kaluzhnina <p>The article is an attempt to describe the correlation between the semantic meaning of the Church Slavonic compound words beginning with ВСЕ- or МНОГО- and the ones with ВСЕ- or МНОГО- as a second component. These parallel compound words may be classified into three groups: close synonyms, synonyms with possible double interpretation and/or additional meaning, units with no semantic correlation. The meaning of quality enhancement is the ground for semantic similarity in the compound words in question. There also have been analyzed some examples of different meanings in the doubles of such compound words. The Greek parallels of the Church Slavonic compound words with ВСЕ- и МНОГО- are also taken into consideration.</p> 2021-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 0 Хайретизмы с яко и бо в церковнославянских акафистах Богородице и святым 2021-06-03T16:51:22+00:00 Theodore Liudogovsky <p>The purpose of the work is to identify and make a classification of the hairetisms that are part of the akathists to the saints and the Mother of God and contain as the main part of the clauses with conjunctions yako and bo. First, the classical texts will be considered - the Great Akathist (§ 1) and the Akathist to Nicholas the Wonderworker (§ 2), the citation of which in the later akathists were devoted to the above two articles; at the next step, against the background of the first two akathists, the remaining 98 akathists (59 to the Mother of God, 59 to the saints), which are reflected in the database (§ 3 and 4), will be analyzed. The text base was computer developed using the system database management (DBMS) Microsoft Access.</p> 2021-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 0 О семантике ц.-слав. явися 2021-06-03T16:51:21+00:00 Maria Turilova <p>In the article we regard a verb in the verse «God is the Lord, and hath appeared unto us. Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord», made of the verses of Psalm 117 (in Greek, Old Church Slavonic, Russian; Psalm 118 in English and some oth.) and included into the texts of the Matins and prayer services. Verbs <em>авити (</em>˫<em>авити) сѧ </em>and <em>п</em><em>росвьтѣти</em> <em>сѧ</em> are used in Old Church Slavonic texts and <em>yavílsya</em>, <em>osiyál</em>, <em>vossiyál</em> are in Russian translations. Verbs with the meanings ‘appeared, showed oneself, discovered oneself, allowed to know Him’ and ‘illuminate, lighten’ are used in the translations of Bible and liturgical texts in other languages. The verse mentioned and related biblical contexts refer to Epiphany. In the article we regard reasons for the choice of words for translation.</p> 2021-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 0 Употреба богослужбених језика у манастирима и храмовима Српске Православне Цркве (ставови о даљем превођењу) 2021-06-03T16:51:23+00:00 Ruzhica Levushkina <p>It is known that in the Serbian Orthodox Church, both the Church Slavonic language of the Russian edition and the modern Serbian language are in liturgical use. The aim of a broader, more comprehensive research was to obtain more precise data on the use of liturgical languages in the Serbian Orthodox Church, to discover the (in) connection between the use of language and the diocese, and even the state in which individual monasteries (temples) SOC finds, and to draw conclusions about how much the Church Slavonic language is retained, ie lost in liturgical use, whether there is a change in relation to the use of these two languages in worship in the recent past (late twentieth century) and today and what is the tendency of this changes if it exists.</p> 2021-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 2021 Тематическая и стилистическая близость молитв Кирилла Туровского его нарративным и риторическим сочинениям1 2021-06-03T16:51:31+00:00 Galina Barankova <p>The article conducted a comparative study of prayers, words and narrative&nbsp;works of Cyril of Turov. The handwritten cycles of prayers of Cyril of the XIII-XVII centuries&nbsp;and their editions are briefly described. There is a necessity to take into account&nbsp;when further classifying the copies of the full cycle of prayers, the manuscript from the&nbsp;collection of the Russian National Library of the OSRK F.п.1.1, XIVth c. The article concludes&nbsp;about the commonality of themes, images and stylistics of various genre works of&nbsp;Kirill Turovsky and notes the special closeness of prayers to his rhetorical works.</p> 2021-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 0 Духовные песни в контексте интеркультурной и интерконфессиональной коммуникации 2021-06-03T16:51:30+00:00 Peter Žeňuch <p>Paraliturgical song production provides opportunities for interdisciplinary research&nbsp;of interethnic, intercultural and interreligious relationships. It opens up the possibilities&nbsp;for understanding the development of cultural identity created by intensive cultural&nbsp;communication of Latin and Byzantine spirituality and is an integral part of the spiritual&nbsp;life of believers from the very beginning of Christianity. The contribution explains the&nbsp;different linguistic, cultural and ethnic confessional aspects that have influenced the formation&nbsp;of the cultural identity of users of such non-liturgical religious songs.</p> 2021-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 0 Следы разных традиций в одной нетрадиционной служебной минее XVI в. 2021-06-03T16:51:29+00:00 Margarita Zhivova <p>This paper analyses specific features of the Russian service menaion from the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius’s collection, which that is significantly different from other menaia of the Jerusalem type. Besides the stable part, Menaion TSL 541 contains a number of services to the saints that are not typical for a Menaia (including several services to Russian saints). All these services are composed through the compilation of canticles from various sources. The memories of these “additional” saints are found under the same dates in other liturgical books, dating back to different traditions, which allows us to make assumptions about the type of sources used by the author-compiler of the Menaion TSL 541. In addition, the texts of a number of services of the stable part differ from those that are usually placed in the menaia of the Jerusalem type. For them, however, correspondences are found in more archaic menaia of the pre-Jerusalem type. Our research proves that Menaion TSL 541 is far from a standard menaia of XVI century. The analysis of this Menaion opens new perspectives for reconstruction of archaic and location specific strata of Slavic Orthodox hymnography tradition.</p> 2021-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 0 Последование святым царственным мученикам в контексте княжеской службы 2021-06-03T16:51:28+00:00 Victoria Legkikh <p>In 1981 Tsar Nicholas II and his family were canonized as a martyr by the Russian church abroad. In 2000, they were also canonized by the Russian church (Moscow Patriarchate) as passion bearers. Tsar Nicholas II was the last Royal saint for Russia somehow closing the circle of holy Russian princes, since the first of them SS. Boris and Gleb were also canonized as passion bearers. There are a lot of hymnography devoted to Royal Martyrs but in the article only 3 “official” services are taken in account. In the article it is made an attempt to see this service in the context of Russian princely service and in some cases to show models of creation.</p> 2021-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 0 Богоявление в Мамре и гостеприимство Авраама в Великом каноне: идентификация путников и истоки экзегезы 2021-06-03T16:51:27+00:00 Dmitry Spitsyn <p>This report examines the origins of the exegesis in the Great Penitential Canon of the episode of Abraham’s mysterious encounter with three travelers at Mamre (Gen. 18:1-11). The saintly author of the Canon interprets them in the troparion of Ode 3 as angels, while in his Canon for the Presentation of the Lord – as God the Word with two angels. This apparent inconsistency is probably connected with a possible imitation of Heb. 13:2 (“be not forgetful to entertain strangers”) in the first Canon. The idea of the Patriarch’s hospitality as an example of entertaining strangers is also found in the homilies on the book of Genesis by St. John Chrysostom. Saint Andrew, as it seems, creatively reworked them, as is apparent from his use of words that are cognate with ἡ φιλοξενία and τό θήρημα, his reference to Heb. 13:2, and the causal link between the meeting of Abraham and the promise of the birth of a child.</p> 2021-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 0 Сборник переводов Андрея Курбского из книжного собрания Войновского старообрядческого монастыря 2021-06-03T16:51:26+00:00 Nadezhda Morozova <p>The author introduces the previously unknown handwritten text of the translation of “Logic” of St. John of Damascus. The article gives the paleographic description of the manuscript, presents the structure of the text and determines the research prospects for working with the manuscript in the future. The author provides a review of scientific sources on the translations of Andrei Kurbsky and a brief textual analysis of the manuscript from Wojnowo. The texts from the book collection of former Savior and Holy Trinity Monastery in Wojnowo supplemented the list of works created (translated) in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and adopted by the local Old Believer book tradition. The analyzed manuscript is a unique monument to the book heritage of the Old Believers of the Baltic countries, since other lists of translations of philosophical works originating from the Kovel circle of Kurbsky are currently unknown.</p> 2021-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 0 Вильнюсский старообрядческий Покровский храм как памятник культурного наследия: архитектурные особенности и городской ландшафт 2021-06-03T16:51:25+00:00 Grigorijus Potašenko <p>The purpose of this article is to analyze and interpret the architectural features of the Pomorian Pokrovsky church in Vilnius as a monument of cultural heritage. Pokrovsky church is one of the largest and most valuable part of this Old Believers complex and the cultural heritage of the Old Believers in Vilnius. Neoclassicism with its symmetry and restrained elegance dominates on the exterior of this church. In 1905-1906, after the construction of the church bell tower appeared bright features of the neo-Russian style. These two architectural styles harmoniously complement each other and give the Pokrovsky church a unique identity that distinguishes it from all other Old Believers churches in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Poland.</p> 2021-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 0 Лебеди, как блюдо первой подачи на великокняжеских и царских пирах в XVI - XVII вв. (по письменным источникам) 2021-06-03T16:51:33+00:00 Dmitry Petrov <p>The article is devoted to the history of one of the most famous dishes of Russian ceremonial cuisine, the princely and the royal - roasted swans. This dish opened tsars banquets was considered prestigious and status. Already for the XVII century, we know that wild swans, caught on the lake by special hunters - “swans”, were kept after capture in special ponds at the royal palaces. For an earlier time (starting from the 12th century), numerous references to swan hunting have been preserved, all related to princely life. The article describes the descriptions by foreign ambassadors of the procedure of tsars&nbsp; and princely banquets and the nature of dishes from the swan. Numerous examples from Russian folklore and literary monuments are given.</p> 2021-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 0 Биографические нарративы и традиционные культурные модели (на материале украинского культурного анклава в Поволжье) 2021-06-03T16:51:32+00:00 Elena Levkievskaya <p>The article analyzes the memory lane of Ukrainian enclave residents&nbsp;(Samojlovsky district of Saratov region) on the base of biographical narratives. The article&nbsp;explains how community memory designs and reconstructs narratives about religious specialists&nbsp;substituted the priests during Soviet period. These specialists performed the religious&nbsp;needs of society (baptized children, served a burial service, sanctified water and&nbsp;Easter meal). Сollective memory keeps the information that supports itself by the present&nbsp;traditional cultural models first at all.</p> 2021-01-04T00:00:00+00:00 Prawa autorskie (c) 0