Polish Journal of Natural Sciences 2024-04-03T12:07:16+00:00 Redakcja czasopisma Polish Journal of Natural Sciences Open Journal Systems <p>Polish Journal of Natural Sciences is a peer reviewed research journal published in English by the Publishing House of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). <br>Polish Journal of Natural Sciences publishes papers dealing with biology, animal sciences, fisheries, environmental protection, humans and environment, food technology and veterinary sciences. <br>There are three types of papers: a) research papers (full length articles); b) research notes (short communications); c) review papers. <a href="">(more)</a></p> Biomass, Stem Volume, and Carbon Sequestration Based on Allometric Equations for Populus deltoides W. Bartram ex Marshall. Planta- tions (A Study of Guilan, Iran) 2023-11-24T07:39:26+00:00 Roya Abedi <p><em>Populus deltoides </em>Marshall. is one of the most important economically (wood production), environmentally (biomass production and carbon sequestration), and fast-growing species in plantations. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate biomass, volume, and carbon sequestration models according to age by using the stem analysis method in poplar plantations in five regions of Guilan province. Measurement features included DBH and the total height of all trees in two plots with one hectare in each region. 30 trees were randomly selected in different diameter classes and cut down and the discs were obtained in order to stem analysis. The annual rings of discs were counted, ages at different tree heights were obtained, and the diameter of the annual rings was measured to determine the annual diameter and volume increments. Carbon measurement, volume measurement of wood, and volume conversion to weight ratio were calculated. Finally, regression analysis was performed by the relationship between volume and biomass growth by age based on the highest coefficient of determination and minimum standard error. The results showed that the nonlinear models were able to show the highest coefficient of determination (R2=0.93-0.99) and the least standard error of the relationship between these characteristics. These models can be applied for the annual assessment of poplar plantations in carbon sequestration and optimal management for achieving sustainable development of the various plantations.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Polish Journal of Natural Sciences Natural Values of the Hor- bachykha Tract (Kyiv, Ukraine) 2023-11-02T11:48:44+00:00 Mykola Prychepa Yuliia Kovalenko Olena Hupalo Ivan Parnikoza <p>In this article we examined the complex value of&nbsp;Horbachykha floodplane tract of Dnipro river in Kyiv. Its history, flora, vegetation, animal species composition and peculiarities of distribution of rare animal species were studied. Horbachykha tract have natural island origin, and in result of Dnipro regulation in beginning of 20th century finally was formed as left bank flood tract, that in 1960-1970s lost original flood regime. Flora of Horbachykha tract consist of 161 species of vascular plants;&nbsp;7 rare species of plants and 8 rare vegetation communities were registered. This clearly indicate its natural origin and current semi-natural state. Currently this is the biggest Kyiv left-bank alluvial forest fragment and very significant part of ecological corridor along the Dnipro floodplain. We also registered the presence of rare fauna: 158 species of vertebrate animals, including: 14&nbsp;fish species, 7 amphibians, 3 reptiles, 132 birds, and 3 mammal species. One of the most important values –&nbsp;complex of rheophilic fish species that still exist according conservated hydrological regime here. A total of 62 bird species were found nesting. The registration of nesting <em>Otus scops</em>&nbsp;is only one current and very important registration for whole Kyiv area. This tract area is very important for most of birds migrated along Dnipro corridor. The settlement of <em>Castor fiber</em>&nbsp;(black morph) – species with high indicator significance was registered in the wetlands of Horbachykha. Taking into account the limited transformation of tract area and the presence of rare biodiversity, area of Horbachykha together with the adjacent water area of the Desenka distributary need to be protected initially by landscape reserve creation. After this including of this tract in “Dnipro Island” National park strongly recommended.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Polish Journal of Natural Sciences Involvement of local and non-local hunters in the tasks of the hunting club as exemplified by WKŁ 294 Hubertus in Bydgoszcz in the period of time before and during the COVID-19 pandemic 2024-01-08T09:45:23+00:00 Hubert Codrow Radomir Graczyk Anna Wierzbicka <p>In Poland, hunting can be practiced only by a member of the Polish Hunting Association (PZŁ) . Hunting club (basic unit of PZŁ) members include people residing on the club’s premises, as well as non-local hunters. An analysis of hunter involvement in the club’s tasks was carried out, on example of the Military Hunting Association no. 294 and covering hunting seasons from the 2018/2019 to the 2021/2022. The research was based on the data available in the PZŁ club system and the club’s documentation. Local hunters show greater interest and efficiency during individual hunts. Membership in more than one club does not reduce involvement in the club’s activities. Hunters prefer to pay the contribution for the development of the club rather than work it off. Local hunters engage in conducting the animal inventory. The impact of the COVID-19 social restrictions on the increase in hunting activity was ambiguous.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Polish Journal of Natural Sciences Assessing Bacterial Diversity in Tropical Bovine Cow Dung Through Illumina Sequencing 2023-10-11T07:28:03+00:00 Olanike Buraimoh 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Polish Journal of Natural Sciences