Polish Journal of Natural Sciences
<p>Polish Journal of Natural Sciences is a peer reviewed research journal published in English by the Publishing House of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland). <br />Polish Journal of Natural Sciences publishes papers dealing with biology, animal sciences, fisheries, environmental protection, humans and environment, food technology and veterinary sciences. <br />There are three types of papers: a) research papers (full length articles); b) research notes (short communications); c) review papers. Publication of an article in a Journal of Natural Sciences is free of charge. <a href="https://czasopisma.uwm.edu.pl/index.php/pjns/about">(more)</a></p>Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynieen-USPolish Journal of Natural Sciences1643-9953MARINE HARMFUL ALGAL BLOOMS (HABs) IN WORLD’S TOURIST REGIONS
<p>Harmful algal blooms (HABs) include toxic and non-toxic blooms of microalgae and macroalgae that are detrimental to aquatic ecosystems, have negative impacts on human health or socio-economic interests. All of these aspects are important for tourism and recreation related to marine areas, coastal waters, shorelines and coastal areas. They reduce the attractiveness of the regions in which they occur and can be a determinant of directional preferences for tourism activities. The aim of this study is to analyse the occurrence of typical HABs in tourist regions of the world, taking into account the taxa that cause them and the threats they pose. The analysis is based on a review of knowledge on the subject. It outlines the magnitude of the problems associated with the occurrence of HABs and demonstrates their relationship to the tourism sector. It also indicates the need for the tourism sector to obtain information on HABs in order to verify the availability of safe destinations for tourism.</p>Bożena Jaworska
Copyright (c) 2025 Polish Journal of Natural Sciences
<p>The main topic of our research is the examination of the environmental values of Hungarian medicinal bath place from the demand side, which can significantly contribute to the preservation of people’s health and the improvement of their quality of life. The actuality of our research is due to the fact that in our society, people pay more and more attention to health presevation and their personal well-being. The water usually attracts people, so the medicinal bath place environment appears as a defining element of the offer among tourists.<br />The main goal of our research is to map out, with the help of consumer attitudes and preferences, the expectations of tourists regarding the characteristics of medicinal bath place. To achieve the goal of our research, we conducted primary research and a questionnaire survey. Data collected among the Hungarian middle-aged middle class (n = 200) were processed with univariate descriptive statistics and bivariate analyses.<br />In the course of our research, we came to the results that the Hungarian middle-aged middle class clearly detects the medicinal bath place characteristics, and that the main medicinal bath place characteristics can be divided into characteristically different ways of thinking. In the opinion of the respondents, among the features of the spa, the silence and tranquility, the quality of the accommodation, the beautiful environment, the wide range of treatments, as well as the quality of the gastronomy and medicinal care significantly contribute to a successful stay in<br />a medicinal bath place. We also determined the three main ways of thinking of spa visitors: environment-oriented way of thinking, medicinal-oriented way of thinking, culture-oriented way of thinking, which is most characteristic of a satisfied guests.</p>Ágnes Erzsébet HojcskaZoltán SzabóZoltán Bujdoso
Copyright (c) 2025 Polish Journal of Natural Sciences
2024-12-312024-12-31394249–263249–26310.31648/pjns.9141USE OF HERBAL PLANTS IN THE OFFER OF AGRITOURISM FARMS
<p>The aim of the study was to assess the activities of agritourism farms in the use of herbal plants. The basis for the assessment was an analysis of the agrotourism offer proposed in this respect on the websites of the surveyed farms. The offer of 25 agrotourism farms from different regions of Poland was analysed, which concerned the use of herbs in ornamental, utilitarian, cosmetic-therapeutic and educational aspects. The use of herbal plants in individual aspects varied considerably. All farms used herbs for ornamental and nutritional purposes. The use of herbs in the commercial and cosmetic-therapeutic aspects was on offer in every fourth farm. The educational aspect of the use of herbs was offered by three quarters of the farms. The educational offer was mostly carried out in the form of workshops. The topics of the classes varied. Most often, workshops were offered on learning about medicinal plants and their properties. Less frequently, workshops were offered on cooking, growing herbs, making herbal cosmetics and herbal therapies. The fewest workshops were offered on making herbal decorations. In general, the offer of using herbal plants in the activities of agritourism farms was well integrated into the agritourism context, and at the same time it fitted well into the cultural heritage of the Polish countryside.</p>Bożena Jaworska
Copyright (c) 2025 Polish Journal of Natural Sciences
<p>Water-based recreation making use of the assets offered by the lakes. The impact of recreational activities on the macroinvertebrate communities in the littoral zone was investigated by comparing sites that had been altered for recreational purposes with sites that had not been used for this purpose. The study was conducted on fourteen lowland lakes situated in the north-eastern region of Poland. A semi-quantitative method was used to sample the infralittoral macroinvertebrates at the recreationally used site and two reference sites. The results obtained indicate that the development of recreational facilities has a moderate impact on macroinvertebrate assemblages. Significant differences (Wilcoxon test, p < 0.05) were identified in the macroinvertebrate assemblages of the compared sites in eight of the fourteen studied lakes. The observed biodiversity was predominantly lower compared to the reference sites, and the differences in community structure may be the result of the homogeneity of the littoral habitats. In part of the lakes surveyed, macroinvertebrate communities were found to be similar between those used for recreation and sites that had been transformed for recreational functions.</p>Jacek Koszałka
Copyright (c) 2025 Polish Journal of Natural Sciences
<p>Demand for giant African Land snail (<em>Archachatina marginata</em>) is on the increase in recent years, but not much is known about the health indicators of this animal under indoor or intensive rearing. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of liveweight on biochemical and physiological parameters of <em>Archachatina marginata</em> and to establish reference ranges for these parameters. Snails used were assigned to 3 groups of 20 snails each based on their liveweight. Haemolymph collected was analyzed for biochemical, hormonal and selected minerals. Result showed that the effect of liveweight was not significant (P > 0.05) for Total protein (TP), Triglyceride (Trig), Alanine transaminase (ALT) and Glucose (Glu). However, Liveweight had significant effect (p < 0.05) on Albumin (Alb), Aspartate transaminase (AST), Cholesterol (Chl) and Creatinine (Crt).<br />For hormonal profile, only T4 was significantly influenced (p < 0.05) by liveweight, while effect of liveweight was not significant on Triiodothyronine (T3), Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Estradiol (E2) and Progesterone (P4). For haemolymph minerals, liveweight only had significant effect on Cu and Fe among others. Physiological profiles quantitatively recorded for each of liveweight groups by the the present standard protocols provide a reference basis to quantify physiological changes under different environmental conditions.</p>Oluwatosin Ajiboye John Adesanya AbionaOyegunle Emmanuel OkeOkanlawon Muhammed Onagbesan
Copyright (c) 2024 Polish Journal of Natural Sciences