Effect of pollution in environment

Mentor Bici

a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:23:"University of Prishtina";}

Kemajl Bislimi

Hazbije Sahiti

Enis Dalo

Jeton Halili

Ylli Krasniqi


We measured the impact and distribution of the activity of minning “Ferronikel” on the concentrations of heavy metals (Pb, Zn, Ni) in the locality Drenas and their effect in oxidative stress of some parameters: carbonyl of proteins, malondyaldehid MDA and total proteins in hepatopancreas of snail Helix pomatia.L.

120 soil samples and 120 snails collected through concentric circles from the pollution point at 1 km, 2 km, 5 km. The dry sample of 0.3 g was treated with reagents HNO3 69%, H2O2 30% in a ratio of 1:3 and then they were filtered and the content was read in flame absorber Analyticjena Contra AAA.

Snail hepatopancreas samples after measurement and homogenization in phosphate buffer 9:1 of the weight of live tissue, were treated with relevant methods and were read in a spectrophotometer.

The results of this research show that have a high concentration in polluted area of these metals in the soil and therefore they bioaccumulate in the snail shell and cause oxidative stress in the hepatocytes of the tissue snail Helix pomatia L.


heavy metals, pollution, oxidative stress, hepatopancreas, snail

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Cited by

Bici, M., Bislimi, K., Sahiti, H., Dalo, E., Halili, J., & Krasniqi, Y. (2024). FERRONICKEL MINING POLLUTION: HEAVY METAL ACCUMULATION, OXIDATIVE STRESS, AND BIOINDICATOR POTENTIAL OF HELIX POMATIA (L.) SNAILS IN DRENAS, KOSOVO: Effect of pollution in environment. Polish Journal of Natural Sciences, 39(2). https://doi.org/10.31648/pjns.10243

Mentor Bici 
a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:23:"University of Prishtina";}
Kemajl Bislimi 

Hazbije Sahiti 

Enis Dalo 

Jeton Halili 

Ylli Krasniqi 
