Peer Review Process

Rules for reviewing

  1. The “Meritum” Editors carry out a preliminary selection of texts submitted by Authors. They evaluate the adequacy of the topic of the paper, its subject matter value, language and stylistic correctness.
  2. The “Meritum” Editor-in-chief of selects Reviewers from among researchers with scientific achievements in their fields.
  3. Reviewers (one from the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, the other from a selected academic centre in Poland) evaluate each of the submitted papers that have been accepted by the Editors. A review form is available at the journal website.
  4. The journal uses the double-blind review process, i.e. Reviewers and Authors do not know their identities.
  5. A review of the paper is made in writing, and ends with an explicit statement about the admission of the text to be published or its rejection.
  6. Authors are provided with reviews containing subject matter, linguistic and stylistic guidelines.
  7. A positive review is tantamount to text acceptance for publishing.
  8. After editorial work and proofreading by the language editor, the text is sent to the Author for approval.
  9. In case of one positive and one negative review, the Editor-in-Chief shall decide about publication or sending the manuscript to another Reviewer.
  10. In case of two negative reviews, the text is not published.