Application of artificial intelligence for processing digital ultrasonic images in the shipbuilding industry
Halina Tańska
Jolanta Sala
Department of Research and Development Baltic Operator, GdanskBartosz Janiszewski
Department of Research and Development Baltic Operator, GdanskAbstract
The article describes the completed research and development work conducted for the shipbuilding industry by a scientific consortium from 2020 to 2023 and addresses selected aspects of the commercialization of the developed prototype solutions. The goal of the R&D project was to develop and implement a modern solution for quality control of welded joints and monitoring of the production process. This article focuses on the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve the efficiency and rationality of operational processes, such as welding production processes verified by the advanced PAUT ultrasonic method. The prototype UT/PA system is presented synthetically from the perspective of measurement and analytical components, focusing on the processing of ultrasonic images after measurements and their decision-making potential for improving the quality of welded joints. Synthetic conclusions of a methodological, operational, and strategic nature are highlighted. The planned direction for the continuation of the completed research and development work and the finalized commercialization is also presented.
shipbuilding industry, AI applications, production monitoring, quality control of welded joints, image processing, phased array ultrasonic testingReferences
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Department of Research and Development Baltic Operator, Gdansk
Department of Research and Development Baltic Operator, Gdansk