Drivers' confidence in advanced drivers assistance systems (ADAS)

Przemysław Drożyner

UWM w Olsztynie

Paweł Mikołajczak


Road accidents are a serious social problem, both in terms of public health and the costs associated with it, and as individual tragedies. Efforts to reduce the role of human factors in road accidents include partial or full automation of tasks performed by drivers through various types of advanced driver assistance systems. The question arises as to what characteristics of a technology user determine the degree of their trust in it in the context of the functionality and reliability of this technology. Two research questions related to the assessment of technology users (ADAS) of its reliability and effectiveness of operation and the differentiation of these assessments in individual groups of respondents were adopted. Data were obtained through survey research using the CATI (Computer Aided Interaction) technique Assisted Web Interview. 155 respondents participated in the study. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the oldest systems, used for many years – ABS, airbags, inspire the greatest trust among drivers, while the least popular, used relatively recently – line assistance system. The respondent’s metrics (gender, age, experience) do not affect the perception of the effectiveness and reliability of ADAS; this may be surprising, because it is commonly believed that young people are more willing to use various types of technological innovations. Many respondents have no opinion on the effectiveness and efficiency of ADAS systems – most often these are people who do not have such systems installed in their cars or have not had contact with them. The most “educated” group in terms of knowledge of ADAS are – which is not surprising – professional drivers, although the number of such respondents whose knowledge is negligible (17%) may be surprising.


advanced driver assistance systems, trust, technology

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Cited by

Drożyner, P., & Mikołajczak, P. (2024). Drivers’ confidence in advanced drivers assistance systems (ADAS). Technical Sciences, 27(27), 309–320.

Przemysław Drożyner 
UWM w Olsztynie
Paweł Mikołajczak 


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