The use of sewage sludge in anaerobic digestion: formation, properties, and implementation
Agnieszka Pilarska
Poznań Uniwersity of Life Sciences, Faculty of Environmental and Mechanical EngineeringTomasz Kałuża
Poznań University of Life SciencesMaciej Pawlak
Poznań University of Life SciencesTomasz Kalupa
Poznań University of Life SciencesAbstract
The effect of municipal wastewater treatment, in addition to improving its quality, is sludge formation. Disposal of sewage sludge (SS) is a critical environmental problem that requires careful management. Under current legislation, SS represents waste requiring stabilisation to eliminate pathogenic microorganisms and substances potentially harmful to the environment. Anaerobic digestion (AD) is an efficient method of treating SS, and it produces biogas as a renewable energy source (RES). The efficiency of the process can be increased by combining SS with other organic wastes as cosubstrates. Therefore, AD allows for a twofold benefit crucial for sustainable waste and energy management, i.e. sludge stabilisation and biogas production. Another equally important consideration in the construction of biogas plants at wastewater treatment plants is reducing the plant's operating costs by using the electricity and heat generated in the cogeneration units for the plant's needs. This paper discusses the formation technology and properties of sewage sludge, the legal aspects of using and disposing of SS, the conditions for employing their anaerobic biodegradation, and the co-digestion systems used.
sewage sludge processing, sewage sludge properties, legal aspects, anaerobic digestion, cosubstrates, biogas productionReferences
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