Modelling and simulation of functioning of the GSh-23 aviation autocannon mechanisms
Michał Jasztal
a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:97:"Faculty of Mechatronics, Armament and Aviation, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland";}Mateusz Kunikowski
Article presents the simulation model and the study of the basic mechanisms of the GSh-23 aviation autocannon. The research made use of Solid Edge ST9 software and the multibody systems method implemented in it. Simulation of functioning cannon mechanisms was carried out for two variants of forcing a piston mechanism movement by the gunpowder gases. The results obtained are time courses of a bolt and a cartridge belt drive mechanism elements movement. Assumed variants of a piston mechanism movement and elaborated simulation model will be verified in the next (planned) stage of studies basing on the results of the measurements of the experimental kinematic parameters utilising high-speed camera (Phantom) and TEMA software.
aviation autocannon, simulation model, multibody systems methodReferences
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a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:97:"Faculty of Mechatronics, Armament and Aviation, Military University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland";}