Operation and challenges of biogas technology: A fundamental overview
Agnieszka Pilarska
Poznań Uniwersity of Life Sciences, Faculty of Environmental and Mechanical EngineeringKrzysztof Pilarski
The modern world is facing a huge energy crisis related to the depletion of conventional energy sources. Therefore, obtaining energy from alternative sources is sparking increasing interest, expressed by both scientists and entrepreneurs. One such source is biogas, which has great potential to become, along with wind and solar energy, an important renewable energy source (RES). This paper presents the technical and practical aspects of biogas production (mainly agricultural) and extensively discusses the anaerobic digestion (AD) process. The global development of biogas plants and the operation of the most important types of biogas plants are also discussed. In the conclusion section, the benefits of biogas technology development are provided and explained, as well as the challenges and barriers hindering the intensification of biogas plant construction despite the potential and access to adequate resources and waste materials.
Słowa kluczowe:
anaerobic digestion, organic waste, biogas composition, digestate properties, biogas plant operation, achievements and challengesBibliografia
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Poznań Uniwersity of Life Sciences, Faculty of Environmental and Mechanical Engineering