The effects of beef carcasses high voltage electrical stimulation and roasting methods on tenderness and water retention of beef

Katarzyna Tkacz

Adam Więk

Ryszard Żywica

Joanna K. Banach


The aim of the study was to determine the effect of high voltage electrical stimulation (330 V, 17 Hz, 120 s) of beef half-carcass and heat treatment on tenderness and water holding capacity of meat. The experimental material was a semimembranosus muscle derived from Polish Holstein-Friesian heifers (n=12). In the experiment, a forced and natural air circulation ovens were used; the raw material was heated at 170ºC to obtain a final temperature from 55 to 80ºC inside the beef. Results showed that electrical stimulation improved tenderness of roasted beef, which was demonstrated in the decrease in the maximum shear force from 39 to 26%. The electrical stimulation had a negative effect on cooking losses during roasting and water content in the final product. It has also been shown that studied quality attributes of beef depends on the type of heat treatment. Beef prepared in forced air circulation oven, were characterized by lower water content and higher values of maximum shear and compression forces than those heated in natural air circulation oven.

Słowa kluczowe:

electrical stimulation, beef, roasting, tenderness, WHC, cooking loss

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Cited By /

Tkacz, K., Więk, A., Żywica, R., & Banach, J. K. (2018). The effects of beef carcasses high voltage electrical stimulation and roasting methods on tenderness and water retention of beef. Technical Sciences, 21(2), 103–116.

Katarzyna Tkacz 

Adam Więk 

Ryszard Żywica 

Joanna K. Banach 
