Identification of representative segment of root for colour determination of carrot

Małgorzata Jaros

Mateusz Słowik

Ewa Golisz

Monika Janaszek-Mańkowska


The aim of the work was to verify hypothesis that colour of longitudinal section of carrot root may be represented by a selected segment of root or a cross-section. An image analysis was based on image data obtained for longitudinal sections of carrot roots using flatbed scanner and graphics editing software. Colour images were acquired into sRGB colour space and converted to CIE Lab. Sixteen segments of equal height were separated over whole length of root image. The colour difference metric was determined to present how colour of each segment differs from the mean colour of whole root. The root section was considered to be representative for whole root if colour difference metric was the least. The analysis of results confirmed a research hypothesis and allowed for finding representative section which was located at 10⁄16 of total root length measuring from the carrot root head.

Słowa kluczowe:

carrot, colour measurement, representative section, image analysis

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Cited By /

Jaros, M., Słowik, M., Golisz, E., & Janaszek-Mańkowska, M. (2019). Identification of representative segment of root for colour determination of carrot. Technical Sciences, 22(2), 109–118.

Małgorzata Jaros 

Mateusz Słowik 

Ewa Golisz 

Monika Janaszek-Mańkowska 
