Changes in the quality characteristics of raspberry fruit due to mechanical vibrations and storage conditions

Jacek Mazur

Marian Panasiewicz

Kazimierz Zawiślak

Paweł Sobczak

Rafał Nadulski

Grzegorz Łysiak

Kinga Kraśnicka


The paper presents the results of a study investigating a mechanical impact, in the form of vibrations, on the overall quality of raspberry fruits after harvest, in view of the conditions of their transport to the consumer and the processing plant. The degree of compaction of the raspberry fruit layer was determined during a test carried out under laboratory conditions, and the amount of juice leakage, resulting from the vibrations to which the raspberries were subjected, was measured. It was demonstrated that the quantity (mass) of juice leakage was considerably affected by the mechanical impact, in the form of vibrations, exerted on a layer of raspberry fruits. The leakage was smaller in cooled fruits, and significantly greater in fruits that were not subjected to cooling immediately after harvest, and were stored under ambient conditions.

Słowa kluczowe:

raspberry fruits, mechanical impact, juice leakage

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Cited By /

Mazur, J., Panasiewicz, M., Zawiślak, K., Sobczak, P., Nadulski, R., Łysiak, G., & Kraśnicka, K. (2019). Changes in the quality characteristics of raspberry fruit due to mechanical vibrations and storage conditions. Technical Sciences, 22(4), 319–328.

Jacek Mazur 

Marian Panasiewicz 

Kazimierz Zawiślak 

Paweł Sobczak 

Rafał Nadulski 

Grzegorz Łysiak 

Kinga Kraśnicka 


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