An efficient hardware implementation of a combinations generator

Tomasz Mazurkiewicz


In this paper an area-efficient hardware implementation of a Bincombgen algorithm was presented. This algorithm generates all (n,k) combinations in the form of binary vectors. The generator was implemented using Verilog language and synthesized using Xilinx and Intel-Altera software. Some changes were applied to the original code, which allows our FPGA implementation to be more efficient than in the previously published papers. The usage of chip resources and maximum clock frequency for different values of n and k parameters are presented.

Słowa kluczowe:

information technology, generator of combinations, field programmable gate array (FPGA)

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Cited By /

Mazurkiewicz, T. (2017). An efficient hardware implementation of a combinations generator. Technical Sciences, 20(4), 405–413.

Tomasz Mazurkiewicz 
