The application of the response surface method (RSM) to optimize of the conditioning of primitive rye grain krzyca (Secale cereale var. multicaule) before milling

Stanisław Konopka

Beata Piłat


The aim of the current study is to optimize the conditioning process of a primitive rye called (in Polish) krzyca which has recently been reintroduced to farming. The experiment was conducted according to the Box-Behnken model with three independent variables: the temperature of water used for grain conditioning (10, 15, 20 oC), the duration of the conditioning process (4, 10, 16 h) and the final grain moisture (13, 14, 15 %). In the obtained flours, four dependent variables were determined (time of grain milling, yield of extraction flour, ash content of flour and falling number value). The obtained polynomial equations and response surface method showed on significance of the used ranges of independent values, with the highest impact noted for flour ash and falling number values.

Słowa kluczowe:

rye, conditioning, flour yield, ash content, falling number value, time of milling

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Cited By /

Konopka, S., & Piłat, B. (2020). The application of the response surface method (RSM) to optimize of the conditioning of primitive rye grain krzyca (Secale cereale var. multicaule) before milling. Technical Sciences, 23(1), 53–67.

Stanisław Konopka 

Beata Piłat 


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