Spatial Diversification of the Unemployment Rate by Province and District in Poland between 2008 and 2013
Eugeniusz Zdrojewski
Department of Management, Koszalin University of TechnologyMałgorzata Guzińska
State Higher Vocational School in KoszalinAbstract
One of the characteristic features of unemployment in Poland is a strong spatial diversification of that phenomenon. The main objective of this paper is to illustrate changes in the unemployment rate in provinces as well as (urban and rural) districts between 2008 and 2013. A thorough analysis has confirmed a dramatic difference in the intensity of unemployment in the individual districts of the country. The unemployment rate in urban districts in 2013 differed by over 24 percentage points, while in rural districts in the analysed period that spread amounted to 30%. The analysis shows that the growth of the unemployment rate in Poland was profoundly affected by the global economic crisis and other factors. The research has confirmed that unemployment is a major social problem which affects all regions of the country to a varying extent.
unemployment, unemployment rate, province, districtReferences
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Department of Management, Koszalin University of Technology
State Higher Vocational School in Koszalin
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