Problems of the Elderly in Rural Areas

Roman Kisiel

Department of Economic and Regional Policy, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Natalia Walinowicz

Department of Economic and Regional Policy Faculty of Economic Sciences University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


This paper deals with issues related to aiding elderly people who reside in rural areas and who used to do jobs associated with agriculture. The main aim is to present the situation of senior citizens and to show the problems and needs of this group within the society. The main assumption of the study is that the needs of the elderly people who live in rural areas are different than those of senior citizens who live in towns. The study was carried out using data obtained by a questionnaire survey, a literature review and subjective observations of the authors on the situation of the elderly and care opportunities available to them. The study has provided data which can be used mainly to propose solutions aimed at improving the situation of the elderly. To this end, two surveys were conducted: one targeting senior citizens who live in rural areas and the other – people who work as a carer for an elderly person. For each survey, a sample of 80 respondents was singled out, and the study area included the communes of the Voivodship of Warmia and Mazury, i.e. Dobre Miasto, Lubomino, Pasłęk and Stawiguda. The data obtained from the surveys has been used to determine the level of needs for longterm or supplementary care for elderly people and to identify the main forms and type of aid based on the needs felt by a specific group. The findings have shown that such care can be arranged by employing carers performing services to elderly people.

Mots-clés :

rural areas, senior citizens, population ageing, welfare, care services

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Kisiel, R., & Walinowicz, N. (2018). Problems of the Elderly in Rural Areas. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 13(1), 33–44.

Roman Kisiel 
Department of Economic and Regional Policy, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Natalia Walinowicz 
Department of Economic and Regional Policy Faculty of Economic Sciences University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


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