Using Insurance in Craft Enterprises on the Basis of Survey Research Results

Grażyna Dębicka-Ozorkiewicz

The Chamber of Crafts in Opole


The purpose of the research presented in this article was to assess the use of insurance products available on the market in everyday craft activity, as well as to obtain an answer to the question of which insurance companies the surveyed entrepreneurs use most often. An attempt was also made to assess cooperation of the insured with insurers. Research with the use of a survey questionnaire was conducted in the period from May to July 2016 in craft plants from the Opole, Lower Silesian and Silesian provinces associated through guilds in the Craft Chamber in Opole. Research results demonstrate that more than half of the surveyed craft enterprises use products offered by insurance companies, and the most popular insurer among these companies is PZU.

Mots-clés :

craft enterprises, insurance, risk management, small and medium-sized enterprises

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Dębicka-Ozorkiewicz, G. (2018). Using Insurance in Craft Enterprises on the Basis of Survey Research Results. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 13(1), 83–94.

Grażyna Dębicka-Ozorkiewicz 
The Chamber of Crafts in Opole


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