Assessment of Innovation Gap between Poland and European Union Countries

Edyta Dworak

Department of Microeconomics, University of Lodz


This paper aims to estimate the innovation gap between Poland and European Union countries, and evaluate the innovative position of the Polish economy in relation to EU countries. The assessment was conducted on the grounds of the Summary Innovation Index, presented in the Innovation Union Scoreboard and an examination into the indicators describing the index. Results of the analysis show the occurrence of the innovation gap for the most indicators in comparison to innovative leaders in the EU, as well as to the EU countries with a similar level of economic development, i.e., the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovenia. 

Mots-clés :

innovation, innovation gap, innovativeness, Innovation Union Scoreboard, Summary Innovation Index

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Dworak, E. (2016). Assessment of Innovation Gap between Poland and European Union Countries. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 11(1), 29–44.

Edyta Dworak 
Department of Microeconomics, University of Lodz


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