Regional Variation of Potential and Actual Labor Resources in Poland in the Light of Forecasts Through 2040

Anna Majdzińska

Department of Demography and Statistics, Unit of Demography and Social Gerontology, University of Lodz


This paper considers the issue of additional retirement security for farmers. On the basis of theoretical considerations and empirical data analysis, the hypothesis is that in the face of a low level of farmers' pensions, insured persons who would like to guarantee themselves a satisfactory replacement rate must use supplementary retirement security instruments. Studies conducted to test the main objective of the research, which was based on an analysis of current incomes, the level of retirement insurance premiums and pensions for different sized homesteads, confirmed the assumptions expressed in the main hypothesis. As an addition to the main objective of the research, the potential forms of supplementary retirement security and their characteristics were presented. 

Mots-clés :

potential labor resources, actual labor resources, population ageing process, territorial diversity, Poland, voivodships, poviats

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Majdzińska, A. (2015). Regional Variation of Potential and Actual Labor Resources in Poland in the Light of Forecasts Through 2040. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 10(4), 353–371.

Anna Majdzińska 
Department of Demography and Statistics, Unit of Demography and Social Gerontology, University of Lodz


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