Choosing a Proper Scenario of the Monetary Development and Financial Integration in the EurAsEC

Irina Zhuk

Belarus State Economic University in Minsk

Nadzeya Godes

Belarus State Economic University in Minsk


The article is devoted to the problem of choosing an effective scenario of monetary integration within the EurAsEC. A fundamentally new approach is that the Eurasian integration is considered to become an alternative to disintegrative tendencies of post-Soviet countries. The advisability for a common currency and a system of supranational governance structure are given on the basis of the analysis of development of EurAsEC member states. The reasonability and timeliness of this event as a basis for further development of integration processes and sustainable development of EurAsEC is substantiated. 

Mots-clés :

globalization, regional integration, Economic and Monetary Union, common currency, single currency

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Zhuk, I., & Godes, N. (2014). Choosing a Proper Scenario of the Monetary Development and Financial Integration in the EurAsEC. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 9(3), 183–199.

Irina Zhuk 
Belarus State Economic University in Minsk
Nadzeya Godes 
Belarus State Economic University in Minsk


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