Spatial Development of Innovation Systems in Russia

Lidija Sergevna Arkhipova

Department of National and Regional Economy, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


While the development of the country's national innovation system as a whole is very important and should be prioritized, its regional aspect is even more important. The specifics of the Russian Federation's transition to an innovation-based economy is in that that, at the present time, prioritized is the need to ensure the effective development of those economy sectors that underlie the country's specialization and may provide regional and national competitive advantages. To such sectors belong the chemical industry, machine-building and power energetics. We would like to note that initial innovation awareness indicators in the regions are comparable and do not differ greatly but the growth of activity can be observed only in some of the regions. The problem of large differentiation among the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by their level of economic development remains important and has to be dealt with. 

Mots-clés :

innovation systems, spatial development, regional economy, investment activity, research expenditure, innovation activity factors

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Arkhipova, L. S. (2014). Spatial Development of Innovation Systems in Russia. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 9(4), 289–304.

Lidija Sergevna Arkhipova 
Department of National and Regional Economy, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics


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