The Stand characteristics of the GTM 400 MOD turbojet engine

Lukasz Brodzik

a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:31:"Poznan University of Technology";}


Miniaturization of turbine jet engines not only enables testing of fuel mixtures but also opens up new possibilities for their use in smaller aircraft. In this work, measurements were carried out in the GTM 400 MOD engine in order to create the stand characteristics of unit thrust and specific fuel consumption. For both parameters, polynomials were determined describing their changes in the range of rotational speeds used. The work is the first stage of research under the rector's grant. Its goal is to create a hybrid turbojet engine powered by aviation kerosene and hydrogen. The reason for the research is to check the possibility of using hydrogen in turbomachinery engines. Hydrogen is one of the fuel additives approved for use by the European Union, which forces the aviation industry to reduce exhaust emissions into the atmosphere. Hydrogen can not only enrich aviation kerosene but also become an alternative fuel.


turbojet engine, specific thrust, specific fuel consumption

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Cited by

Brodzik, L. (2024). The Stand characteristics of the GTM 400 MOD turbojet engine. Technical Sciences.

Lukasz Brodzik 
a:1:{s:5:"en_US";s:31:"Poznan University of Technology";}


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