Evaluation of the influence of the laser alloying with Cr, B and Ni of grey iron parts on their wear resistance

Marta Paczkowska

Politechnika Poznańska


The aim of this research was to evaluate the influence of the laser alloying with Cr, Cr+B+Ni and B+Ni on the wear resistance of grey iron. Agricultural component (coulter flap) exposed on friction wear (as well as corrosion) in the soil has been take into account as a tested machine part. Even 85% decrease of mass loss of the coulter flap with laser alloyed layer (with nickel and boron) after wear test in comparison to mass loss of flap without laser treatment was achieved. In case of alloying with chromium it was 44% and in case of nickel, boron and chromium this decrease was 58%. Laser alloying in each performed variant caused formation of the modified surface layer consisting of fine grains of mainly martensite enriched with alloy elements, increase of hardness of the surface layer and reduction of roughness parameters of the treated surface in comparison to the base surface.


laser alloying, wear resistance, grey iron

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Cited by

Paczkowska, M. (2024). Evaluation of the influence of the laser alloying with Cr, B and Ni of grey iron parts on their wear resistance. Technical Sciences, 27(27), 127–141. https://doi.org/10.31648/ts.10064

Marta Paczkowska 
Politechnika Poznańska


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