The use of a bead mill for the production of agrochemical suspensions

Katarzyna Szwedziak

Żaneta Grzywacz

Sławomir Tomaszewski


Plant protection products represent one of the most innovative branches of the agrochemical industry which requires considerable financial investment to adequately meet agricultural needs. The optimal agrochemicals should enable farmers to maximize yields, and their components should remain active over long periods of time regardless of weather conditions.

This article describes an innovative technology for the production of agrochemical suspensions in a bead mill. The suspension acts as a carrier of active ingredients. The parameters of the bead mill were presented, and the resulting suspensions were used in the production of fungicides.

The parameters of the substrates used in the production of agrochemicals have to comply with legal regulations. The present experiment involved liquid chromatography, and it was conducted in accordance with good practice, in line with CIPAC guidelines. 

Słowa kluczowe:

suspension, pearl mill, plant protection products, liquid chromatography, formulation, fungicides

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Cited By /

Szwedziak, K., Grzywacz, Żaneta, & Tomaszewski, S. (2019). The use of a bead mill for the production of agrochemical suspensions. Technical Sciences, 22(3), 271–280.

Katarzyna Szwedziak 

Żaneta Grzywacz 

Sławomir Tomaszewski 


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