Published: 2019-03-281

Visual perception of tenements’ façade colors and possibilities for use it in spatial order building

Ewa Trzaskowska , Sebastian Janiszek
Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum
Section: Articles


Habitants more and more often attend in landscaping of their cities by participating in spatial economy or civil budget. Many cities advantage to that implementing Gehl’s ideas „towns for the people”. Interest in aesthetisc of the towns, spatial chaos, mistakes in administration are very valuable, but they do not deal to appropriate activity in each case. It happens that they are used to move responsibility for a town to habitants by authorities. This work matter of concern is a valuation of tenements’ colouring in Lublin and their reception by habitants. It was tried on a base of conducting survey reserch to respond if it can be a base to build new colouring order.


colouring order, city reception, participation, center of Lublin

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Trzaskowska, E., & Janiszek, S. (2019). Visual perception of tenements’ façade colors and possibilities for use it in spatial order building. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum, 18(2), 217–227.

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