Employment and Labour Productivity vs Economic Development of Polish Regions (2000–2013)

Wacław Jarmołowicz

Institute of Finances, Higher School of Banking in Poznan

Sławomir Kuźmar

Department of Macroeconomics and Development Studies, Faculty of Economics, Poznan University of Economics and Business


The main goal of the present article is to identify the main determinants and mechanisms through which the level and growth rate of labour productivity as well as selected aspects of employment influence the economic development of Polish regions over the 2000–2013 period. The conducted analysis suggests that among such productivity and employment-related factors as hourly labour productivity, total hourly work time per person employed, effectiveness of labour market, level of participation rate and demographic structure, of greatest importance for the economic development of Polish regions is their inner effectiveness reflected by the level of hourly labour productivity.


employment, labour productivity, economic development

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Cited by

Jarmołowicz, W., & Kuźmar, S. (2017). Employment and Labour Productivity vs Economic Development of Polish Regions (2000–2013). Olsztyn Economic Journal, 12(3), 233–245. https://doi.org/10.31648/oej.2808

Wacław Jarmołowicz 
Institute of Finances, Higher School of Banking in Poznan
Sławomir Kuźmar 
Department of Macroeconomics and Development Studies, Faculty of Economics, Poznan University of Economics and Business


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