Productivity and Remuneration of Labour: Disparities Across Sectors And Countries

Mariusz Hamulczuk

Department of Agricultural Economics and International Economic Relations, Warsaw University of Life Sciences

Włodzimierz Rembisz

Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Finance & Management, Warsaw


The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between labour productivity and labour remuneration among agricultural and non-agricultural sectors in selected EU countries. The issue under investigation pertains to the question of whether remunerations for labour and their rate of growth are attributable to changes in labour productivity. The problem is analyzed via static and dynamic approaches. To carry out the research, the authors’ own analytical approach is used, while appropriate statistical data for 1995–2013 and methods are used to verify the hypothesis. The conclusion of the study is that the relationship between remuneration and productivity substantially differ across sectors and countries. Especially in the agricultural sector, one can observe that the level of remuneration and growth are weakly related to productivity growth.


labour productivity, remuneration, disparities, analysis of sectors, European Union

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Cited by

Hamulczuk, M., & Rembisz, W. (2017). Productivity and Remuneration of Labour: Disparities Across Sectors And Countries. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 12(2), 151–162.

Mariusz Hamulczuk 
Department of Agricultural Economics and International Economic Relations, Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Włodzimierz Rembisz 
Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Finance & Management, Warsaw


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