Building Relationships with Stakeholders - as a Key Success Factor in Public Sector Organizations

Maria Kotas

Department of Public Management, University of Economics in Katowice


Success factors are all sources which ensure an organization's prosperity. These are mainly factors which produce a competitive position on the market. The differences between the private and public sector have a major impact on identifying and categorizing key success factors. The purpose of this article is to analyze relationship building with stakeholders as a key success factor in public sector organizations. The main tool used by the author of this article was subject-based literature. In terms of the public sector, the process of building relationships with stakeholders is complex due to the complexity and diversity of groups involved in the sector. Despite these, it needs precise exploration because it is one of the main success factors for public sector organizations. The literature review is supplemented by sample results of empirical research conducted by the author. 

Palabras clave:

organization’s stakeholders, success factors, public administration, building relations

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Kotas, M. (2012). Building Relationships with Stakeholders - as a Key Success Factor in Public Sector Organizations. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 7(1), 51–61.

Maria Kotas 
Department of Public Management, University of Economics in Katowice


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