Economic Competitiveness and Availability of Road Infrastructure

Paweł Merło

Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Jakub Juszkiewicz

Student of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Szymon Łątkowski

Student of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


The level of road infrastructure development brings about several benefits, such as shorter travel times, reduced transport costs, or improved road safety. Undoubtedly, it is also a factor that has had a beneficial impact on the growth of certain regions. This is particularly important for the entire economy (in the macroeconomic context), for regions (on the meso-regional level) and for business enterprises (the macroeconomic aspect). The aim of this study has been to evaluate the effect of the availability of road infrastructure on the economic competitiveness of Polish voivodeships. To this end, the Regional Competitiveness Index (RCI) was compared with the ratio of the density of hard-surface roads per 100 km2. The analysis showed that the highest regional competitiveness and simultaneously the highest road density ratio were in the voivodeships: śląskie, małopolskie and mazowieckie. However, the majority of regions in Poland are composed of voivodeships with both of these indicators scoring below zero. These are regions in the eastern part of Poland; as well as the lubuskie and zachodniopomorskie voivodeships.

Mots-clés :

economic competitiveness, development of the region, road infrastructure, transport

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Merło, P., Juszkiewicz, J. ., & Łątkowski, S. . (2021). Economic Competitiveness and Availability of Road Infrastructure. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 16(1), 113–121.

Paweł Merło 
Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Jakub Juszkiewicz 
Student of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Szymon Łątkowski 
Student of the Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn


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