Published: 2018-09-291

Modernity, context and pedokomparator. Three ways of leaving the ghetto (the answer to Iwona Maciejewska article)

Paweł Bohuszewicz


The article is more the suplement than the polemics with Iwona Maciejewska’s article How to leave the ghetto? Looking for new ways in old polish literature studies which was published in „Prace Literaturoznawcze” (2013/1). The main thesis of Maciejewska is that we are in the ghetto which was builded by negative perception of researchers of later periods. In my answer I try to give three ways of leaving this ghetto. The first one is paradigmatization of the concept of „modernity” as alternative to more popular concept of „antiquity” and „old polish literature”. The second one is trying to avoid to anxiety of decontextual interpretation and the third one is to use Bruno Latour’s concept of „pedocomparator” which is metaphore of concept as such.


modernity, context, pedocomparator, concept, old polish literature, modern literature

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Bohuszewicz, P. (2018). Modernity, context and pedokomparator. Three ways of leaving the ghetto (the answer to Iwona Maciejewska article). Prace Literaturoznawcze, (3). Retrieved from

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