--> PEER REVIEW PROCESS | Prace Literaturoznawcze



The Editorial Board of Prace Literaturoznawcze pre-qualifies all manuscripts with respect to consistency with the theme and profile of the journal. Following that stage the paper is sent for the substantive assessment, which is carried out by two independent reviewers who are not linked professionally with the unit associated with the author. The Editorial Board undertakes every effort to fulfil the requirement of the double-blind review process and does not reveal the identities of the authors and reviewers to each other.

In the case of papers written in foreign languages at least one of the reviewers is selected from a foreign institution different from the author’s nationality.

The reviewer is obliged to submit a declaration of no conflict of interest. Conflict of interest occurs in the case of the following relationships between an author and a reviewer: 

  • direct personal relationships (affinity, legal connections, conflict);
  • relations concerning supervision at work;
  • direct academic cooperation during the two years preceding the issuing of the review;

Reviews are submitted in an electronic form. The reviewer either fills in the review form provided by the Editorial Board, or writes a descriptive review. The reviewer assesses the scientific level of a text, consistency with academic standards in literature studies, substantive and linguistic values of the manuscript.  All remarks concerning corrections and suggestions are marked by the reviewer in an electronic form for the author’s consideration in the correction and final edition of the text. The review must contain an unambiguous conclusion either accepting or not accepting the paper for publication. The Editorial Board announces the list of cooperating reviewers (in the journal’s print version and on the website) once a year.

Having read the review, an author is obliged to fill in the form attached below which constitutes an answer to the reviewer’s remarks.

Review form

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