Published: 2018-09-301

What do we do when we read? – An attempt to model (Raton, Mysliwski, Gasiorowski, Latour)

Andrzej Wołosewicz


The article examines the consequences of the process of reading (for example Ratoń, Gąsiorowski and Myśliwski) as the relationship dynamic. This analysis is the starting point to build a model of reading insired by the concept of actor-network (ANT) of Bruno Latour. The results of these procedures is to introduce the concept of the synapse literary and put forwards the thesis that it is possible absorption/transfer in an efficient cognitive concepts Latour on the ground Literature. The article is such an attempt.


literary synapse, relationism, Latour, model of reading

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Wołosewicz, A. (2018). What do we do when we read? – An attempt to model (Raton, Mysliwski, Gasiorowski, Latour). Prace Literaturoznawcze, (2). Retrieved from

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