Published: 2018-09-301

In the face of axiological vacuum. About the disintegration of world of the value in the literature of Young Poland and in the newest prose

Ewa Chojnacka


Experiencing the disintegration of world of the value is located in a range of universal subjects, letting for establishing the dialogue of the tradition with the present. Passed dissertations are concentrating on analysis of the literary way of expressing the axiological vacuum, referring to such issues, like the belief in God, the vision of love, the idea of the house as the space safe, giving feeling approval and closenesses. In the area of contemporary literature stressed also a crisis of the belief in humanity is remaining as the source of the good, returning in visions and dreams. In the conglomeration of showing resemblances and differences above all an attitude of the nihilism, resulting from experiencing reality as the chaos which is giving none is becoming apparent of hope, causes the disintegration of the subject.


axiology, modernism, the present, pessimism, disintegration

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Chojnacka, E. (2018). In the face of axiological vacuum. About the disintegration of world of the value in the literature of Young Poland and in the newest prose. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (1). Retrieved from

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