Published: 2018-08-161

Historical Novel and Womanhood. The Case of Elżbieta Cherezińska

Mirosław Gołuński


In the article Historical Novel and Womanhood: The Case of Elżbieta Cherezińska the author examines how the writer refers to the situation of women in the Early Middle Ages. He takes into account relations between women and the body as well as the social relations and also presents womanhood as the phantasmat of power (the motif of the “crown”). It appears that, on the one hand, Cherezińska restores to the common historical memory the characters of women that have often been forgotten (princesses as well as anonymous wives of warriors) while, on the other hand, she presents them in a stereotypical way, inscribing them into the patriarchal vision of the world, of which they are, in most cases, acceptant and to which they are submitted.


Elżbieta Cherezińska, woman, historical novel, body

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Gołuński, M. (2018). Historical Novel and Womanhood. The Case of Elżbieta Cherezińska. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (5). Retrieved from

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