In the case of television images, and the meanings they carry, symbolic interaction mainly concerns
human communities. At the moment when signs and things do not match each other, when the
image, in this case – television, no longer reflects the truth about reality, participation in the space of
the text and image becomes complex and difficult to read. In the new media space in which old and
new media collide, it becomes necessary to have specific skills in reading messages, ways of seeing
and perceiving media images, and competences in various reception areas referred to as media literacy.
The lack of time for ourselves makes it easy for television stations to influence our receiving
preferences and attitudes by means of the audiovisual productions they broadcast. A given image is
always associated with some social context which, in turn, has an impact on this image. A particular
group of viewers brings specific interpretations and observations to a given image, thus influencing
its meaning and impact. Carried out in terms of both hermeneutics and semiotics, the analysis and
interpretation of television visual representations will depend on the contexts taken from the life of
the recipient.
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