Influence of rubber powder mass flow rate on process of plasma pyrolysis

Jarosław Szuszkiewicz


The paper describes an experimental examination of the thermal utilization of used rubber. The research was carried out to examine the influence of rubber powder mass flow rate on the plasma pyrolysis of rubber. An arc plasma generator was applied. Ar and a mixture of Ar and H2 were used as plasma gases. The composition of gaseous products was analyzed by infrared absorption spectroscopy. All of the rubber introduced to the plasma jet was decomposed. The outgoing gas did not contain any toxic chemical compounds such as NOx or HCN.

Słowa kluczowe:

plasma pyrolysis, rubber waste, thermal utilization, absorption spectroscopy

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Cited By /

Szuszkiewicz, J. (2019). Influence of rubber powder mass flow rate on process of plasma pyrolysis. Technical Sciences, 22(4), 305–318.

Jarosław Szuszkiewicz


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