Skarga o stwierdzenie niezgodności z prawem prawomocnego orzeczenia jako sformalizowany mechanizm służący dochodzeniu roszczeń odszkodowawczych od Skarbu Państwa
Magdalena Tyska
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
Tomasz Smoliński
Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie
The institution of a complaint for a declaration of non-compliance with the law of a final judgment was introduced by the regulations of the Act of 17 November 1964 – Code of Civil Procedure. It is a specific legal measure aimed at obtaining a judgment of the Supreme Court stating that a final judgment issued by a common court is inconsistent with applicable law. A complaint is used to challenge a legally valid ruling ending the proceedings in a given case, when a party has suffered damage as a result of its issuance and it has not been and is not possible to amend or revoke this ruling by means of legal remedies available to the party. Obtaining this type of a preliminary ruling is necessary in order to later pursue claims for damages in separate proceedings. In this respect, the main difference between this legal institution and other appeal institutions formed in the Polish legal system becomes apparent. A complaint is an institution applicable to both procedural and non-litigious proceedings. However, it is encumbered with many restrictions of a legal nature which the complainant must meet in order to effectively seek legal protection based on its mechanism. The purpose of this article is to present and explain the formal mechanisms influencing the correct shaping of a legal measure intended to constitute a preliminary ruling, on the basis of which the complainant will be able to claim compensation for an unjustified
judgment of a common court. This article is the first part of a comprehensive discussion of the issue of an action for a declaration.
Mots-clés :
a complaint for a declaration of non-compliance with the law of a final judgment, extraordinary appeal, preliminary ruling, compensation proceedingsRéférences
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