Macroeconomic Conditions Determining the Level and the Rate of Changes of Wages and Salaries in Poland in 2007-2012

Walentyna Kwiatkowska

Department of Microeconomics, University of Lódź


This study characterized and evaluated the level and rate of change in wages and salaries in Poland in 2007-2012 and analysed the main macroeconomic determinants of their development. The analysis present changes to average wage, minimal wage and fair wage. Their level and rate of change are determined by macroeconomic factors, particularly economic growth processes, changes in productivity of labour, inflation rate and the situation on the labour market. A quite strong correlation can be observed between the rate of changes of the real GDP and the development of average nominal wages. Inflation processes affect the growth of nominal wages but they lead to a decrease in real wages. The growth of the unemployment rate affected the reduction of the growth rate of nominal wages. 


wages, kind of wages, determinants of wages

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Cited by

Kwiatkowska, W. (2013). Macroeconomic Conditions Determining the Level and the Rate of Changes of Wages and Salaries in Poland in 2007-2012. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 8(4), 297–316.

Walentyna Kwiatkowska 
Department of Microeconomics, University of Lódź


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