Assessing the Efficiency of Investment Fund Management Using Quantile Risk Measures

Anna Rutkowska-Ziarko

Department of Quantitative Methods, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn

Przemysław Garsztka

Department of Econometrics, Faculty of Informatics and Electronic Economy, Poznan University of Economics


The aim of the research is to compare the efficiency of managing selected Polish investment funds in various phases of stock market condition. The Value at Risk (VaR) and Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) is used to construct efficiency ratios of fund management. Those funds investing in financial instruments have the most stable expected rate of return and the lowest risk, in all the analysed periods which made them highly effective. The article also discusses the alternative methods to VaR and CVaR estimation which are used in the study. It is noted VaR and CVaR estimates obtained using backtesting and using APARCH models give similar results.

Palabras clave:

mutual fund, management efficiency, value-at-risk, conditional value-at-risk, APARCH model

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Rutkowska-Ziarko, A., & Garsztka, P. (2016). Assessing the Efficiency of Investment Fund Management Using Quantile Risk Measures. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 11(3), 277–298.

Anna Rutkowska-Ziarko 
Department of Quantitative Methods, Faculty of Economic Sciences, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
Przemysław Garsztka 
Department of Econometrics, Faculty of Informatics and Electronic Economy, Poznan University of Economics


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