The Differentiation of Wages in Polish Economy in the Years 2005-2012

Walentyna Kwiatkowska

Department of Microeconomics, University of Lodz


The study characterized and analysed the differentiation of wages in Poland in the years 2005-2012. The analysis present changes of the level of wages in connection with such criteria as sections of economic activity, owner-ship sectors, occupations, sex, level of education and work experience. The analysis will make it possible to reflect on the main socio-economic reasons for wage differentiation, which may have a significant impact on the change of employment structure in Poland. 

Palabras clave:

wages, differentiation of wages, criteria and main reasons for wage differentiation

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Kwiatkowska, W. (2015). The Differentiation of Wages in Polish Economy in the Years 2005-2012. Olsztyn Economic Journal, 10(1), 37–61.

Walentyna Kwiatkowska 
Department of Microeconomics, University of Lodz


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