Veröffentlicht am: 2018-09-291

Idea krajobrazu Romana Brandstaettera w peregrynacjach włoskich

Anna Rzymska


Roman Brandstaetter mastered an original, comprehensive and consistent concept of landscape. During his several trips to Italy, Branstaetter developed a unique way of talking about his own feelings regarding space. Non-verbalised at first, these impressions were merely an intuition he acquired in the Holy Land. The Bible, certain trends of Jewish mysticism such as the idea of a mystical screen, pantheistic doctrine and most of all the idea of Szehina – the female aspect of God together with studies on the life of St. Francis of Assisi primarily influenced Brandstaetter’s concept of getting the feel of a place. The period of Italian travels inspired him to develop his own mature and original vision, which, at the same time, prepared a technique for writing a future novel Jesus of Nazareth.

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Rzymska, A. (2018). Idea krajobrazu Romana Brandstaettera w peregrynacjach włoskich. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (3). Abgerufen von

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