Veröffentlicht am: 2018-09-301

Polski prekursor intertekstualności? Rzecz o „wpływologicznych” książkach Stanisława Windakiewicza

Marek Lubański


Issues concerning history of literary research in Poland constitute content of the paper. The author aimed at examining possible relations between contemporary researches on intertextuality and so called Polish school of ”influenceology” – a popular trend in Polish literary study in two first decades of the 20th century. Ruminations on scholarly achievements of Stanisław Windakiewicz who is the main representative of this trend are included in the paper, as well as detailed critical reception of his works at that time. An outline of differences of opinions between supporters of researches on literary influences and interrelations and opponents of such way of analyzing of literature were presented. The author aimed at emphasizing both advantages, as well as disadvantages of comparative investigations of that time. Finally, similarities and differences between ”influenceology” and intertextuality were pointed. Definitions of intertextuality proposed by i.e. Polish literary theoreticians ( H. Markiewicz, M. Głowiński) were used in the paper.

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Lubański, M. (2018). Polski prekursor intertekstualności? Rzecz o „wpływologicznych” książkach Stanisława Windakiewicza. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (1). Abgerufen von

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