Veröffentlicht am: 2018-08-021

Early Modern Descriptions of Poland as Fynes Moryson’s and Peter Mundy’s Cultural Autobiographies

Dorota Guzowska


Travel accounts and descriptions of foreign lands have always been used by historians as one of the richest, though often distorted by their authors’ limited knowledge, sources of information about described places. Since the 1970s, however, travel accounts have also been increasingly analysed, as Barbara Korte put it, “for their projection of culture-specific mentalities, their representations of ‘otherness’ and imagining of foreign countries, or as phenomena of interculturality”.

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Guzowska, D. (2018). Early Modern Descriptions of Poland as Fynes Moryson’s and Peter Mundy’s Cultural Autobiographies. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (5). Abgerufen von

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