Published: 2018-09-291

From literary criticism to reading. Literary criticism of Julian Kornhauser in the first decade of 21st century

Adrian Gleń


The article is an attempt to recognize Julian Kornhauser’s critical idiom in the first decade of 21st century. The author takes steps to inscribe the critical project of The Inner World author into the congenial paradigm of the French thematic school (borders of empathy and identification, fascination and understanding, authenticity), and to pinpoint the basic ideas that Kornhauser’s critical thought circulates around (the issue of authenticity and identity of a poem persona and a critic).


polish literary criticism of 21st century, polish poetry of 21st century, authenticity, empathy

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Gleń, A. (2018). From literary criticism to reading. Literary criticism of Julian Kornhauser in the first decade of 21st century. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (3). Retrieved from

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