Published: 2022-07-301

Świat zmysłów w polskim pamiętnikarstwie XVIII wieku

Agata Roćko
Prace Literaturoznawcze
Section: Interpretations of Polish literature


The article explains how eighteenth-century Polish memoirists perceived the outside world, which they depicted in their accounts. It addresses the question of whether it is feasible to identify in such extensive material, varied in terms of character and subject matter as well as marked by genological diversity, a rule that describes or organizes the external world according to the philosophy of sensualism popular in the Enlightenment. It also shows which senses are most often activated in the descriptions in the memoirs, what is most frequently perceived, how and why. These are the most important issues discussed in the article, which aims to analyse the rich Polish memoir literature of the eighteenth century.


Polish memoirs, 18th century, senses, perception of the world

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Roćko, A. (2022). Świat zmysłów w polskim pamiętnikarstwie XVIII wieku. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (`10), 199–210.

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