Opublikowane: 2020-02-071

Kulturowe oblicze regionalnego patriotyzmu krzewionego w XIX-wiecznym piśmiennictwie rodzimych Górnoślązaków

Krystyna Kossakowska-Jarosz
Prace Literaturoznawcze
Dział: Tematy regionalne


This text is part of the author’s research on the literary culture of the nineteenth-century Upper
Silesia. The author shows that at the forefront of modern Europe (at the beginning of industrialization
and urbanization of the continent) the autochthon writers of Upper Silesia undertook actions
aimed at fostering cultural awareness amongst their compatriots, who were considered to belong to
a national minority, in order to instil patriotic feelings in them. In the current post-colonial discourse
their struggles are recognized as the “voice of the periphery”. Striving to achieve civic maturity in
their Polish ecumene, these writers demonstrated considerable knowledge of their own Polish roots
as the inhabitants of this region. They assumed they must be aware of their distinctness from the
dominant society in the Prussian state. The messages conveyed to their compatriots consisted in
emphasizing the common history of Silesians and Poles and remembering the glorious past of the
latter. These were the foundations for shaping the sense of identity as well as for creating strong
ties with their own land. The development of such an emotional attitude towards the place and its
past among the readers allowed for effective building of patriotic attitudes, which was confirmed by
contemporary observers of the writers’ efforts. They continued coming to Upper Silesia from other
regions of the former Polish Republic to learn about ways of writing “for people.”

Słowa kluczowe:

Górny Śląsk, wiek XIX, śląscy literaci, patriotyzm, tożsamość kulturowa

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Kossakowska-Jarosz, K. (2020). Kulturowe oblicze regionalnego patriotyzmu krzewionego w XIX-wiecznym piśmiennictwie rodzimych Górnoślązaków. Prace Literaturoznawcze, (7), 123–140. https://doi.org/10.31648/pl.4715

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